lmc8774 Member


  • I have 25 inch waist and 42 inch hips. Nearly impossible to find anything to fit. I've worn Eddie Bauer curvy in the past but their new curvy styles don't fit me.
  • I struggle with this too. What helps me is to do a really long workout on Saturday morning so that I start the weekend ahead of things. When I eat out or cookout I try to eat lean meats and veggies primarily. It seems mixed drinks seem to have a lot of calories so I try to stick to a glass or two of wine. It is hard but…
  • I transitioned to FiveFingers a few years ago and they definitely helped my shin pain, which may have been chronic compartment syndrome. I thought I was done with running but changing my running style saved me. I found that the FiveFingers were good up to a certain point but for longer runs I switched to the Saucony…
  • Sounds great. Thanks for posting.
  • It might take you longer, but you can do this. You can still burn fat and calories with low intensity workouts. A lot of people on here have lost all their weight with diet and walking. So don't get frustrated and give up. My guess is that as you lose weight you will be able to handle higher intensity workouts. I too have…
  • I started Crossfit last January and I think it is great. After doing cardio workouts for years and being kind of stuck, Crossfit really has helped me gain strength and I've seen more changes in my body in the last few months than I did in the last few years. If you have the money to invest in even a few months to learn the…
  • I'm similar in age and height to you and I'm currently a little below your goal weight. I maintain on what you are eating each day, so maybe your calories are too high. If I ate what I've found to be my TDEE, I'd definitely gain weight! What worked for me was figuring my TDEE at a step lower than my actual activity level.…
  • I add some cinnamon, a little bit of almond milk and some banana slices or berries. The almond milk provides a little sweetness as does the fruit.
  • I usually have a high calorie day on Friday as that is my night to go out to eat, but then on Saturday I'm usually at a deficit because it is my big workout day. But yeah, I need a few days a week above 1,200 net.
  • Bump - These sound really good!
  • Reading your post kind of made me sad, but I'm so glad you are reaching out. You don't need shakes and drugs to lose weight. This site is full of good information. It can be a bit confusing at times and there are a lot of opinions floating around, but the basic message is eat enough to fuel your body and get proper…
  • A lot of people have had success with the C25K as someone else mentioned. Don't expect results too soon and work at it consistently. Practice! For shoes, there are a ton of options. Some shoes offer more support, some less. Some are made for a heel strike, some for mid-foot. As a new runner I would go to a specialty…
  • I don't know if I'll be able to help as I'm in the same boat, but feel free to add me! I work out too - run, crossfit - and I do really well for a week or two and then have a bad week or two. Last year I was really consistent and lost almost 10 pounds. Then put on a few back while doing the same thing and now am losing and…
  • Feel free to add me. I need some more friends.
  • sweet tooth bump!
  • Pretty much everything. Hard to pick a favorite because I like everything, but I definitely have to have chocolate!
  • Oh, not everyone is doing <10 minute miles. Some are, some aren't. I usually run about a 12 minute mile. I've done marathons and was at about 13 minute miles. Sometimes it is hard being in the back of the pack, but it is what it is! I'd rather do it and be slow, than never have experienced it. Also, people seem to want to…
  • Anyone feel free to add me as I need some running friends. I'm thinking about doing a marathon this summer/fall but don't have a race picked out. I was thinking about a local 25K in 2 months, but don't know if I'll be ready.
  • I'm in and done for the day!
  • I had a friend who was morbidly obese and who died from a blood clot that travelled to her lungs. She was only 26. She was a beautiful, joyful person and we all loved her no matter her size. But most likely, she would be alive today if she would have not been so overweight. So seeing people like this can make me sad. I…
  • Have a bunch of shirataki noodles and need to use them in something. Thanks for the recipe!
  • I looked up your BMI at 160 and I agree with the other posts that said you would be "overweight" not "obese". But don't get hung up on either. You know you need to lose weight. 160 is a good goal to shoot for right now. Much more reasonable than trying to get to 115 or something. So focus on losing weight and being…
  • I agree with the person who recommended HerRoom and also might want to check out the Title Nine website. They have sports bras that go up to DD and E.
  • Let's look at the math. To lose one pound you need to have a deficit of 3500 calories. So to lose 30 pounds in 60 days you would need to lose 1/2 pound a day, or burn an extra 1750 per day. Let's say that you need 2000 calories to maintain your weight (just a guess not knowing your current weight and height). You would…
  • 30DS is only about a 20 minute workout. In that time you probably burn a few hundred calories. So if you started doing it about 7 weeks ago you would have burned about 10,000 calories which is about 3 pounds. So you are actually probably on track.
  • Woah! What are you carrying in there? Not sure what you are doing but 65 pounds is a lot to carry. Much more enjoyable to hike with less weight if possible. But that's not what you were asking. There are a few hiking options in the database. I believe there is one "hiking, carrying 10-20 lbs". You could use that to start.…
  • I'm experiencing the same thing too. I started Crossfit about 2 months ago and haven't lost anything either. I feel like I've gotten a little stronger but clothes aren't fitting any differently. But I find it kind of difficult to determine how much I burned and then how many calories to eat so maybe just haven't figured it…
  • I work at a nursing home, so maybe I can help. Have you tried talking to her about it? Be up front about how you feel and that you are worried about her well being living alone with her health problems. You could try visiting some nursing homes or assisted living places with her. It could help, it could scare her. It is…
  • Wow, those are some calorie dense meals. I would go for the steakhouse salad. It is listed as 749 calories. So, close to your budget. Also, you could get it without the fried onion strips which would save some calories. As far as salad dressings, they have a fat free raspberry vinaigrette, oil and vinegar, and pinot noir…