

  • Sue, thanks for the advise. I'm going to try some bw attempts at a few of the moves this weekend so I have a better idea of how they work. I'll definitely keep that in mind if I struggle with my balance.
  • Mini blizzards are the perfect size. I've never had a Sonic shake and I think that's probably just as well. I can't crave what I've never had. I'm finishing stage 1 tonight. I'm actually going to miss lifting during my rest week. I'm both excited and scared to move on to stage 2. I have terrible balance so some of the…
  • I just put all my remaining stage 1 and stage 2 work outs on my calendar to ensure that I'd be done with stage 2 right before my 4th of July vacation. It worked out perfectly. I'm very thankful that people at my gym just seem to ignore each other. I don't know if I'd have the confidence to deal with the crap your facing…
  • I was really intimidated when I started and still am to an extent. A few things really helped me. I watched a lot of videos for the different moves so i'd feel comfortable with them for the most part. Several weeks in to stage 1 I still watch new ones to refresh my memory. I wandered around the weight rooms a few days…
  • I am glad you mentioned this. I totally missed that the number of sets increases from 2 to 3 when you start the 10 rep exercises. Your post came just in the nick of time because I start them today.
    in Stage 1 Comment by celticmyss May 2013
  • I'm in a similar boat. I've sworn of most "intentional" cardio for now but since walking is my primary mode of transportation I still get 8-12k steps a day. At this point I feel like my body is so used to it that it doesn't really do much anyway. I've also been doing about 10 minutes of high incline walking after lifting,…
  • Lifting day here too. I'm looking forward to it. Today was my first day having a smoothie for breakfast. I'm pleasantly surprised to find that I'm still not hungry over two hours later. While I know it should have filled me up, my brain has a hard time comprehending that liquid = food. I usually crave something more…
  • Hello! Thanks for all the advice when I was first looking into it.
  • Hello everyone! I've been lurking a bit but this is my first chat post. This evening will be Stage 1 B4 for me. I am new to lifting and I really love it. I think the structure of NROL4W has been beneficial. I haven't dreaded going to the gym once since I started and that is very unusual for me. I just got some…
  • Hello everyone! I started NROLFW a little over a week ago and I am 5 work outs in. I am really enjoying the program! I have been working at losing weight for about 18 months now. I initially lost weight fairly easily with a mixture of cardio and a bit of upper body weights on the side. The last 10 months or so my weight…