Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    sue - sometimes long-time-ago injuries mean parts of your body (often due to "joint" issues, NOT "muscle" issues) aren't going to work the "right way". I'd just sub-in something else, frankly....what does an overhead press work?? (What muscle group??) find an alternate "move" and just sub it in.

    That's what I'd do - just my $0.02!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    Here is a question for y'all...would you leave 3 sleeping kids, ages 8, 10 and 12, home alone from 515a to 645a so that you could go to the gym? My hubby is away for 3 weeks and I am trying to convince myself that is going to be OK.
    How mature are the kids, have they been left alone before, will they be sleeping anyway? It depends on your comfort level. In My state 12 is old enough to babysit without adult supervision. Mine are still too young. I know that when my eldest is 12 I won't have a problem leaving him with his 9 year old brother, but he's a great kid. Not every parent can say that. Our after school program only goes up to grade 6 because of this regulation. You can look up your state regs as well.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That being said, if it were my younger son who was 12, probably not lol.

    Step kicked my butt. I went from nailing my calories thanks to a 800 calorie chipotle burrito, BOGO for teacher at least someone appreciates us lol, to being under by 500. Go figure. AND over 140g protein. Yeah baby.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    sam - I know I babysat a toddler when I was 11 and I just wonder "what were those parents thinking!?!?" My 12 year old is very responsible. I leave them home, one at a time, for a short periods (20-30 minutes), but more than one and I really have to think about it. There is no reason to think they would wake up while I was gone...oh, and they are all girls, which I think makes a difference.

    makin - never apologize for popping into the thread, we are glad to have you! I will definitely have a phone with me!! Does cowgirl do supercharged at home? there is a thread (or three) in this group about NROL4W at home, but not sure about supercharged.

    I had a great time at soccer last night. We won 3-2 and I got a ton of exercise in...we had almost two full lines, but with a 90 minute game, that's lots of field time! No gym for me this am...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Today I lift!
  • celticmyss
    celticmyss Posts: 10
    Hello everyone! I've been lurking a bit but this is my first chat post.

    This evening will be Stage 1 B4 for me. I am new to lifting and I really love it. I think the structure of NROL4W has been beneficial. I haven't dreaded going to the gym once since I started and that is very unusual for me.

    I just got some lifting-appropriate shoes and I can't wait to try them out!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    celtic - welcome! When I got my flat-bottomed gym shoes (the first month of NROL4W) it changed my BIG lifts in a BIG way! Great idea to make sure the footwear is the proper choice!
  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    NSV - skinny girl at the gym today, making small talk after our workouts: "I noticed that you lift... like, a lot." Damn right I do, sister. ;)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Gawd, I just got back from my lifting session and it was >90 MINUTES LONG.

    Ummmmmmmmmmm, NO. Just "no". That is just WAY too friggin' long!! Yes, it was my last fibonacci pyramid session (for awhile...maybe 3 or 4 months??!!??) and yes, there was LOTS of "single-leg" and "single-arm" work, today, which obviously DOUBLES the time to get through those sets since you have to do one leg and then the other.

    But, still.

    90 minutes????


    It is spring. Summer is coming. 60 minutes in the gym, MAX. That is all.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I think I like lifting twice per week. I'm enjoying the extra classes. They are fun and I'm not loosing any strength. Tonight I am tired as hell from two tough workout days in a row, so I'm going to zumba. Not that it's an easy class, but I don't have to think and I am brain tired. Tomorrow is fake Friday for me. I took a Personal day Friday for a mothers' Day function at my kids' school. Also, means I can lift early in the day when it's less crowded. It's been so annoyingly crowded lately.

    Nice Abigail! It's cool to be noticed.

    Beeps, you can always cut the sets to save time. I know what you mean though, 90 is just too long.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I can't keep up with this thread this week!

    Makin, I don't workout at home, but if you can get through NROL4W at home, you can do Supercharged.

    Celtic, glad you're here and liking it!

    Sam, my gym has been crazy too. I've NEVER had to wait for the squat rack, but today I did. Some trainer was using it for some funky TRX stuff. The girl was doing these little half squats while hanging on to the TRX...grumble, grumble. Anyway, hope you enjoy your early workout!

    Beeps, I feel like I talk about Supercharged constantly. I like it soooo much. Seeing your results has me very interested in VI. But 90 mins is too much. I hit a mental block at 70 mins and I just can't do anymore.

    Another great workout today. I wish I had picked a few different exercises, but overall I like this stage(Basic Training III). Any of you ever done Zercher squats? I've found them very challenging.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, and Abigail, that's funny! Today I had three women staring at me while I did squats. It was very awkward :)
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Speaking of waiting for the squat rack, I didn't get my squats in last night because this couple were using it the whole 50 minutes I was at the gym. And no way am I going near the smith machine. So I'm going to add them on to the beginning of my workout tomorrow (Stage 7 workout 4..or 5, whatever). I need some opinions here. Originally this starts with 2 alternating sets of bench press and seated row, I'm wondering if I should just do my two sets of squats together or mix them in with the alternating sets. I'm not sure how much of a difference it'd make.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    lhergenr - I would do your two sets and then start your planned workout, since that's the way stages 1-5 work. Is 7 different? i dont think it will matter that much. doing them B2B will also limit the chances someone else will jump in on the squat rack.

    cowgirl - why do you think they were staring...jeally? i would grumble too if someone was using the squat rack for TRX! love your supercharged updates...gives me something to look forward to.

    sam - lifting 2x per week works well for me. I like other stuff, too, to keep me motivated.

    beeps - 90 minutes would NOT fit into my day...glad you are done with this stage

    abigail - rock on, sister!
    sigh - overslept this am. no lifting for me this week. got a VERY quick run in instead. gorgeous day!!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    seven [eight...the NYT can't count!] minute workout>>>


    I am going to do this 2x during my daughter's soccer practice tonight...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Yes, the 90-minute work-out was only for 3 days (meaning 1 week's worth of work-outs....).

    And, maybe it only takes 90 minutes because I have to take more significant rest breaks than are called for. (Meaning: the work-outs call for 30s rest periods, but my heart-rate is so high I have to take 60s or 75s.)

    i NEVER blame "the program"....it's always some frailty of my own.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Hey guys! I can barely keep up.

    Cowgirl, I bet they were in awe and jealous :)

    Anywho I couldn't get to the gym yesterday so I went for a run. Tonight will most likely be an off day (not on purpose) but I think it will be good to rest and recharge and start eating better... and by better I mean eating enough. The last three days I was under by a bit more than I would like.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello all!

    Beeps - 90 minutes?? You are a hero. The only time I workout 90 minutes is when I am running 9+ miles in prep for a race. I don't have that kind of time or patience!

    Cowgril - def jealousy! Let em stare...maybe they will learn something! I see women at the gym doing squats all the time and they barely come to a 45 degree angle let alone 90...i want to tell them "*kitten* to the grass ladies" but i restrain myself

    Yesterday was an off day due to the fact that it took me 2 hours to get home which meant no time for a workout before date night! That's ok, tonight I will run with the pup and then go to the gym to lift!

    I tried Good Mornings for the first time on Tuesday (my hip is not happy with dead lifts) and i like them!! def feeling it today! Also my new gym has a hack squat machine and i LOVE it!

    SO glad it's almost Friday! the big hurdle for me this week: can I get up tmw am for a workout? I've been working out at night and it makes 6am seem early in a way it never did when I was going to the gym before work lol.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    BTW, Hi Celtic and welcome :)
  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    I added a Tabata to the end of my lift yesterday.... hoooooly crap, I'm sore again!