Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    lol @ sam still doing the protein challenge - what that protein challenge taught me is that, when I'm eating at a deficit (which I am - or am supposed to be, anyway, haven't logged food in a week!), I CANNOT get my protein in.

    I think I'm going to suggest a "NEW' challenge for december....or maybe "6 weeks til 2013" challenge....not sure what it will be, yet.

    I will be hitting a cardio class on Saturday....I'm not sure I'll get through it, but my head is gonna pop off if I don't work off some of this STRESS! It's back to a regular weight-lifting schedule next week.

    I miss you guys! Post me on where you're at in NROL4W, please...cause I'm not following the individual "stage" threads anymore.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I'm not 100%, but I went to the gym anyway. Finished Stage 2. Woo!!! I will take measurements tomorrow, but I am not expecting much; my weight hasn't changed for the past two weeks. I will post my weights/progress stats in the Stage 2 chat thread so as not to bore everyone. I had a love/hate relationship with Stage 2. I will not miss lateral flexion and prone cobras. Hoping to be ready to start Stage 3 on Monday.

    I gotta catch up on everyone's posts to give some shout outs...
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Just checking in. Haven't made it to the gym since October 31. I have put in 15-hour days every day since then, at work. I have about 4 or 5 more in a row (major transaction happening!).

    I was terrible with my diet on Sat. Super good on Sunday and Monday. So, so on tues and it all fell apart, yesterday.

    Today, too.


    TOM is coming. I have NO idea how much I weigh or anything. I just know I feel like CRAP as I've had no more than 4 hours of sleep per night and I haven't been to the gym in a LONG TIME (for me).


    I feel ya, Beeps. My schedule has really screwed up my workouts.

    I am sleeping better. Not as great as I had hoped, and still hope to eventually, but better. Well enough to function. :)

    I have a few hours this morning, so I'm going to go upstairs and hit the weights a bit.

    Tuesday I did something I haven't done in 18 years. I got on a horse. :) I used to show in college, but because of life, and then my back issue, I haven't ridden in all these years. My 14 yo daughter takes lessons. Tuesday they saddled up a horse for me, and I rode too. You know what? I still got it. ;-). The most amazing part was that my back didn't hurt. Not while I rode or the next day. We are riding again today. This time on a trail. I'm excited! It feels so good to do something that I thought I couldn't do.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    Tuesday I did something I haven't done in 18 years. I got on a horse. :)

    Jess I am so envious. I too used to ride! It has always been such a joyful experience for me! So glad you are able to ride painfree!! Keep it up!

    Yea it's Friday and I get to the gym tomorrow! I am feeling like such a slug these days and really disjointed without my routine! I expect I'll have huge DOMS but I don't even care! I'm so ready to be back at it!

    Beeps I love the challenges, I am so much more focused with them!

    Sam I know I have lost strength AND stam, I'll regret all this time off!

    Have a great Friday and even better weekend everyone!

    GET IT!!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Thanks, Sue. I am considering riding on a more regular basis now that I know I can. :)

    I lifted today. My sporadic workouts have definitely left me weaker. I struggled doing bench presses with the 15dbs. :-( All of my lifts are less weight now. I have been doing more body weight stuff, too, which affects it. BUT, I'm actually making more progress with my size, scale weight, and appearance right now. I'll take it. I do want big muscles, but I want less fat, too. I'll probably go heavier again eventually.

    I think all those planks really helped when I rode. I purposely USED my core. It made all the difference with my back, I'm sure.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I will officially finish Stage 1 on Monday (just two weeks late...whoops!) and am psyched to move on to Stage 2! I doubt I've lost weight or inches...but my thighs LOOK way more muscular!

    Beeps, I was a lame-o and didn't participate in the protein challenge (although I usually hit my protein goals) so I am GAME for whatever challenge you come up with next!

    I'm with the rest of you on the eating - it got BAD for a little while. I am now on day 2 of my carb cycling so I am hoping to see some weight reduction from this next week. I'll def keep you all posted. Basically I am <30g of carbs all week with one "carb night" a week. Since I tend to be an all or nothing eater (I can't eat just one serving of pasta...) I'm hoping this works for me since I can follow the strict plan during the week and then have a night where I get to indulge the 12 year old fat kid inside me. I've never had a problem sticking to workouts - just a problem sticking to good eating.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I start Stage 2 today! Woot!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I know I'll miss some of you and I apologize in advance.

    Sue - Welcome Back!!! Hope you can settle back into your routine easily.

    Sam - glad you were able to get back to they gym. You'll have that strength back in no time.

    Jess - What great news! I've never been fond of horses (they're just so LARGE!), but happy you could get back to doing something you love!

    Beeps - I'm always up for a challenge!

    On lifting shoes (can't remember who asked) - I've heard a lot of women using plain old Converse because they don't have the padding of athletic shoes. I've also heard recommendations for Merrell's barefoot shoes -they look more like a regular running shoe but are supposed to make it feel like you're barefoot like the vibrams. I'm considering getting some Converse, right now I lift barefoot - since I'm in my basement it's not a problem.

    My eating has actually been much better lately, hoping that helps me drop the lbs. I've just finished week 2 of Strong Lifts and things are going good so far. Surprisingly, I'm not even that sore. The overhead press is getting more difficult and I'm hoping that I don't stall out on that one too quickly. Here's where I am currently.

    Squats - 90 lbs
    Bench Press - 55 lbs
    BB row - 75 lbs
    OHP - 55 lbs
    Deadlift - 110 lbs
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Alright, let's do a "7-weeks until 2013" challenge.

    That would begin on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2012..

    Pick ONE exercise that you REALLY want to "improve" on....could be push-ups, maybe chin-ups, how about planks?? YOU get to pick WHICH exercise it is for YOURSELF. YOU get to choose what your "end-goal" is for THAT exercise! (Is it holding a plank for 90 seconds? Is it getting to do an unassisted chin-up? Maybe getting those push-ups (finally!) down onto the floor?)

    Whatever it is, it would be "in addition" to the work you are doing in NROL4W....so, make sure you save that 5 minutes at the end of your work-out to WORK ON THIS CHALLENGE!

    To score-keep, we'll simply tabulate, on a weekly basis, if you "did the work" you'd planned on doing - to get to your goal - or if you didn't.

    So, the HIGHEST score you could possible get, is "7". The lowest score you could possible get is "0".

    If you do all the work you want, in week 1, your score looks like this:

    Me: 1
    NEW: 0

    "NEW" = "Not Enough Work"

    If you didn't do all the work you want, in week 1, your score would look like this:

    Me: 0
    NEW: 1

    The goal of this challenge, is for NEW to have as FEW points as possible! If we tally these up, on a weekly basis, we hope the Me's outpace the NEWs.

    That's it.

    Who's in???????????

    Please post what YOUR challenge is (so we can help keep you honest). We start on Monday!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member

    Maybe I'll work on push up progress? Is it okay that I only lift twice a week? If I'm lucky.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Almost done with 1A 1-4 and 1B 5-9. Weight hasnt changed, but I notice my midsection has gone down and a little more cut in my arms. Plugging along, having some horrible carb days and some good protein days. Reigning in the dang carbs...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I'm going to do push-up progress, for sure. After ALL this time, I still can only bang out 4 or 5 (I think) from the floor. How lame is that??????????
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    All right - mine will be doing an unassisted pull-up
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm in for the challenge! But I am reserving on declaring what my challenge will be until I start Stage 2 next wednesday! I want to see what it has in store...but I am thinking my challenge will be to get my squats in GOOD FORM over 80lbs...been stuck there for a while
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    My challenge: just to get back in the gym :sad: It's been quite a ride the past few weeks.

    I want to get back on here but I have nothing worthy to contribute. (no workouts, eating like a heifer, gained 4 pounds, etc)

    Today has been a good day of eating BUT Friday night football...... We'll snack and I have no motivation at the moment.

    I need good vibes and swift kicks in the butt.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Pack snacks in your pockets or handbag before the game and have a nice high protein day before going. It's how I get through movies. My calories are low again. It's been two weeks of very low calories and even less actual activity. No wonder I lost strength. I know it will come back, but after working so hard all year it's disappointing. Hopefully Sue, Jess, and Mary wil l join me on the journey back to strength :)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I'm going to do push-up progress, for sure. After ALL this time, I still can only bang out 4 or 5 (I think) from the floor. How lame is that??????????

    Better than me. I can barely do one, and it's not all the way to the chest to floor. . :blushing:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My challenge: just to get back in the gym :sad: It's been quite a ride the past few weeks.

    I want to get back on here but I have nothing worthy to contribute. (no workouts, eating like a heifer, gained 4 pounds, etc)

    Today has been a good day of eating BUT Friday night football...... We'll snack and I have no motivation at the moment.

    I need good vibes and swift kicks in the butt.

    Did you feel that? It's my vibes. They are good.

  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I brought down some winter clothes today. I had a couple pair of jeans that were too small last winter. They fit! Yay!!!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Stage 2/A - first day!!!

    FSPP is really awkward. My first set, I didn't count b/c it was all wrong. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet, but my delts, I think they are? were aching when I was done! The DB 1-pt row I used 20lb DBs. I could only keep my balance through one whole set on my left leg. On my right, I lost my balance a few times. I actually need to buy 25lb DBs for both that and the static lunges.

    I only did plain pushups, but 15 of them. I think next time, I'll switch it up. Elevate my legs or something. I did those with P90X and could use the change.

    Step-ups I kept at 95. Will go to 100 next time.

    Overall, it was definitely fun! It took me about 45 minutes, including a 15 minute warmup. I think B will be longer, though. I feel great!