Daily Chat Thread



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ha - I rolled a thread!

    Workout was good this morning. I need to tape myself on squats as it feels like I'm losing form the heavier it gets and I don't have mirrors at home.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Just jumping in to say hi. I haven't been able to join the new gym yet and I haven't been doing anything than running around unpacking, moving stuff, farm duties, etc. The good news is that I've been sticking to my calories and have lost a few lbs and FINALLY lost an inch from my hips and 1/2" from my waist. It's so weird how my body looses fat. I am down a total of two inches on my hips, but 4 inches on my waist. All of this from 10 lbs weight loss.

    To whoever was commenting about IF: I've been doing it for a few weeks and it's working well. Before, I would have a caloric deficit of around 400+ calories/day and lose nothing. Maybe I was hitting a plateau. Anyway, the past two weeks, I've been losing steadily according to my caloric deficit that Body Media records. I feel like I am finally getting somewhere. I know I may have to change things up once my body adjusts, but it's WORKING. I eat from 11a-7pm. However, since I haven't lifted in a few weeks, I expect things to change a little once I do start lifting again. I'm going to try and keep my calories lower until after the holidays. Maybe I won't gain 5 lbs this year like I usually do.

    BEEPS, I'm so happy for you. That's amazing progress! Keep it up!

    Everyone else, have a great weekend!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Yay for you cowgirl! I'm glad you found something that works for you. I keep considering IF, but I just don't see how it's possible. My biggest problem is trying to cram in a bunch of calories before bedtime. I eat right before bed every single night. Part of that problem, and this sounds funny, is because I enjoy sitting down with a snack an hour before bedtime...ALL BY MYSELF! I can't explain it, but I love that me-time. Everyone else is in bed (DH goes to be early), and I sit down with a good book and a couple hundred calories. I don't eat a TON of calories before bed. Usually between 200-300. IDK. I'd like to get myself out of that habit.

    2/B today. I love this one! I like it better than A. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    AprilRenewed, I think IF would easily work for you! If you *know* that your body's natural tendency is to "snack before bed", then just create an "eating window" that works for you! Meaning, perhaps your eating window is from 11 am - 10 pm. Good enough! Monitor you calories WITHIN that window and don't eat OUTSIDE of that window.

    Like chubbycowgril, IF is working for me. Don't know why. But, I've been giving it an HONEST go since late September and, it's working!

    (PS - I enjoy having a snack and doing "my own thing" once my kids have gone to bed. Period. I can *deny* that this part of who I am, but that's plain dumb. It is WHO I AM!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    How is everyone doing in week 1 of the 7-week challenge????????????

    Me, I'm up for some more push-ups, today! Then, this week's point goes to ME! Yippeeeeeeeeee!!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Agree with Beeps. I had tried and tried and tried to beat my night eating habit and it just wasn't happening. With IF, I don't need to beat myself up. I eat at night and lose weight. But April, I TOTALLY get wanting to stop a habit. I personally just couldn't get it under control without IF.

    BTW guys, help me out? I am considering posting a quick Before/During picture but don't know how to post. I finally am able to notice a big difference in my abs. It's not INSANE, but I like seeing other people's pic, so I thought I'd throw one up here.

    As far as working out this week? Not happening. I'm totally sick and have been working all week. Leaving on Sunday for Florida for the week so who knows how that will go. Guess this is my unscheduled break!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    AprilRenewed, I think IF would easily work for you! If you *know* that your body's natural tendency is to "snack before bed", then just create an "eating window" that works for you! Meaning, perhaps your eating window is from 11 am - 10 pm. Good enough! Monitor you calories WITHIN that window and don't eat OUTSIDE of that window.

    Like chubbycowgril, IF is working for me. Don't know why. But, I've been giving it an HONEST go since late September and, it's working!

    (PS - I enjoy having a snack and doing "my own thing" once my kids have gone to bed. Period. I can *deny* that this part of who I am, but that's plain dumb. It is WHO I AM!)

    Hmmm...I HAVE thought about it, and on the weekends, that's easy because I sleep in until 930 anyway! But it's a bit harder during the week when I come into work at 6am. Well 7 or 6. That is a long time to go without food, if I wait until 11!!! But...maybe it would be better for me simply BECAUSE I usually eat my last snack around 10 or so. (9 or 10).

    Maybe I'll do it this weekend and see how I feel. Then start doing it during the week. Because like you, Beeps, I gotta do my own thing once DH and DD are in bed! And part of that is enjoying a snack!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    MFP ate my post TWICE.

    So forget it. I'm not saying anything except hi. I'm so ticked!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    MFP ate my post TWICE.

    So forget it. I'm not saying anything except hi. I'm so ticked!

    I hate that! I've gotten to where I copy each post just in case. Then I can just paste it if it's rejected.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    OK, I will try again. I'm interested in IF -- seems to be working for so many. But I workout at 6am. I can't see how I can make it work, unless I stop eating at 4pm -- which ain't gonna happen. I suppose I could do it on the weekends, like April suggested. But will it be worth it, I wonder.

    I finished another Stage 3A workout today. I really don't like Stage 3, but today went better. I decided to take the FULL 105 seconds of rest between each exercise. It was nice. I also realized that the bruises on my arms were not spontaneous, but were from the cable machine when I did the revserse wood chop. Obviously need to work on my form...
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    OK, I will try again. I'm interested in IF -- seems to be working for so many. But I workout at 6am. I can't see how I can make it work, unless I stop eating at 4pm -- which ain't gonna happen. I suppose I could do it on the weekends, like April suggested. But will it be worth it, I wonder.

    I finished another Stage 3A workout today. I really don't like Stage 3, but today went better. I decided to take the FULL 105 seconds of rest between each exercise. It was nice. I also realized that the bruises on my arms were not spontaneous, but were from the cable machine when I did the revserse wood chop. Obviously need to work on my form...

    Well, I meant start it on the weekends because it's easier...and then maybe by Monday I could do it even though I'll be up at 6am. Does that make sense? Kind of work my way into it?

    And maybe if I can't quite do that, maybe just start eating later and later each morning until I get to 11am. Today, I actually didn't eat until 9. What's two more hours?

    I'm glad your bruises weren't spontaneous! LOL
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I don't know how to post pictures (at mfp), mermegan....but, I'd bet that it's somewhere in the "thumbtack" instructions at the top of the community threads! I WANT TO SEE YOUR PICS - so go figure out how to post them? (Or ask someone like LorinaLynn, she's always posting pictures of herself, so she obviously knows how to do it, lol!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I'm going to clear up some myths, since I see some of these "myths" creeping up here in people's posts:

    1. You CAN work-out 'fasted'. While I thought it would be "insane" to go into a work-out without having eaten, I do it ALL THE TIME, now! It's a TOTAL MYTH that you need to ingest food in order to have enough energy to work-out. At least, for me....after 25+ years of believing that I better eat and I better have enough energy (prior to a work-out), I now know this is complete bunk.

    So, if you're going to work-out at 6 am, yay for you.....go work-out and maybe even still you won't eat until noon. That gives you an eating window of noon-8 pm, or 10 pm, or whatever!

    I work-out at lunch. That means, frankly, I haven't eaten since 6:30 pm the night before. Means I'm working out and haven't eaten for 17 hours, for the most part. And, my work-outs haven't suffered one bit. At least I don't think they have....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Myth 2 - eat breakfast.

    This is a MYTH. Somehow people think they have to eat breakfast, that it's the healthiest meal of the day, that it should be your biggest meal of the day, blah, blah, blah.

    I think it was the dude who does leangains who kind of researched why this is bunk - I, myself, have NO research to add.

    But, here is my anecdotal evidence:

    Through my teen years, I NEVER ate breakfast! Spent too much time getting my hair and make-up ready prior to school...no time for brekkie! Yes, I was skinny ALL THE TIME as a teen!

    In my 20's, I NEVER ate breakfast! Always had early university classes, or, once graduated, was working 10 hour days at the law firm. Yes, I was skinny ALL THE TIME in my 20's!

    In my 30's, I force-fed myself breakfast....why?? Because I was pregnant and doctors told me I had to eat breakfast and eat folic acid and whatever else. So, I started eating breakfast. Spent my 30's in my opinion, in the worst shape of my life! Pregnancies, post-partums, new cities, new jobs, and, yes I ATE BREAKFAST EVERYDAY!

    In my 40's, I tried the low-GI diet - and ate breakfast. I tried the "eating for life" plan (part of the "body for life" program - and ate breakfast. The "eat more to weigh less" plan - and ate breakfast. And, in my 40's, I've carried these extra 10 lbs (maybe 20????) ALWAYS!

    Hello??? I give up breakfast, which I DON'T WANT TO EAT, ANYWAY, and in 8 weeks, I'm down 11 lbs.

    For me, I WANT to eat at night. That is MY natural inclination....even on a full supper tummy, the "urge" to snack late into the evening has been the CONSTANT and POWERFUL force in my life, since ever I can remember (certainly since my teens). Now that I'm counting my calories in an "eating window", which, from time-to-time, includes late-night snacking, I'm MUCH happier and, my body is responding by dumping the fat I've wanted to get rid of for 5 years.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Dang Beeps! LOL OK great advice. I actually do not eat before I workout. I literally roll out of bed at 5:45 and head to the gym. HOWEVER, I am usually ravenous after working out. I can see waiting an hour, maybe two...not sure if I could wait til 11. Maybe I could if I'm allowed coffee (lots and lots of coffee).

    I am a breakfast person. It's my absolute favorite meal of the day, not gonna lie. I realize it might just be a mental thing and I'd probably still eat breakfast foods at noon even if I was doing IF. Trust me, I'm not downplaying IF in any way. I think it's cool and I'd love to try it.

    So, would it be OK muscle-wise to not have my protein shake until 3.5 hours after I worked out? That's what really concerns me, the eating after working out part.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    From the LeanGains.com website - very good information on how to do this. I've been trying it for the last couple days and I am really hungry in the morning, but coffee and water are helping and I'm hoping my body will get used to it. If it doesn't, well then I'll be trying something else. I work out at 5 am and am at work by 7 am, so it's a long time to go without food. Today I did a protein shake and sipped it all morning.

    Early morning fasted training

    Here's a sample setup for a client that trains early in the morning and prefers the feeding phase at noon or later. Read this for details regarding this protocol.

    6 AM: 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA.
    6-7 AM: Training.
    8 AM: 10 g BCAA.
    10 AM: 10 g BCAA
    12-1 PM: The "real" post-workout meal (largest meal of the day). Start of the 8 hour feeding-window.
    8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.

    For the sake of conveniency, I recommend getting BCAA in the form of powder and not tabs. Simply mix 30 g of BCAA powder in a shake and drink one third of it every other hour starting 5-15 minutes pre-workout. Tabs are cheaper, but much more of a hassle (you're going to have to pop a lot of tabs). Check my supplements guide for specific brand recommendations.

    * No calories are to be ingested during the fasted phase, though coffee, calorie free sweeteners, diet soda and sugar free gum are ok (even though they might contain trace amount of calories). A tiny splash of milk in your coffee won’t affect anything either (½-1 teaspoon of milk per cup at the most - use sparingly and sensibly if you drink a lot of coffee). Neither will sugar free gum in moderation (~20 g).

    * For fasted training, BCAA or an essential amino acid mixture is highly recommended. However, if this feels like too much micromanaging or simply questionable from an economic standpoint, you could also make due with some whey protein. The importance of protein intake prior to fasted training is outlined in this and this post.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    As for posting pictures - you have to have your pictures on a photo website, like Photobucket or Flickr. Copy the link that says direct link (I think, photobucket isn't working right now), paste the link in the "Reply" box, change the IMG to img. I'd post one, but since photobucket isn't working I can't. Maybe in a bit.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Well, I'm going to try IF. I think it would really work best for me considering I tend to eat so late. I'm trying starting tomorrow! No eating until noon! I'm not going to do 16 hours fasting, but I think 12-14. We'll see what happens, and it will depend on the day, I think.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    kmsai - if you are STARVING after your work-out, I'd totally down a protein shake (150 cals - use water, not milk) and forget about it! Your body will be fine and you'll get through your morning without any other calories, I'd bet.