Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    CP, so glad hubby is coming along for the journey. I really wish mine would. He needs to build up his bone density with weight baring exercises. He cardios all of his calcium away. ANy who, Two questions, are you getting enough sleep and are you eating enough? I was tired too, a good natural tired for a change, and I had to increase my calories.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Forced myself to go to the gym. I need to stay on schedule this week. Even though my work shcedule has changed I can't pick up my kids at school until 5 on Mon and Wed and a girl at work is doing free Zumba classes. Bonus! So I MUST lift on Sunday and Tuesday with an option for Friday. My workout tonight was half-a$$ed. I was so tired for some reason. I maintained my weights, but felt like I was struggling the entire time. I felt supper winded and sloppy and I skipped metabolic. My clothes were soaked through. What's up with that? I had a really lazy weekend, maybe my energy reserves were just low. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Memorial Day and the unofficial start of Summer is around the corner :)
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Nice work to everyone who is sticking with their routines with small/minor aches and being tired. You guys are great!

    Saturday I got a lifting workout in. First of Stage 4! I took Sunday off but did a lot of cleaning/yardwork so that will be my exercise for that day! Tonight I'm planning on doing my first "B" workout of Stage 4.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Cowgirl, I hope you love your trainer like I love mine. He's always pushing me to do more. He listens to me, makes suggestions but also doesn't get stupid about any of it. He knows I push myself, so if I say I can't he knows I mean it. I'm really glad I picked this guy!
    Saturday I worked with him and did other lifts etc to strengthen my pecs and shoulders, and then did walking lunges, abs, and core.

    This morning I did my 4th Stage 6B workout and bumped all the weights. 40 on the reverse lunge - I have to use my other hand to stabilize the weight at my shoulder, 35 on the 2pt row and 22.5 on the push press which is the best I've ever done. I was happy, I felt like I'd worked hard. I tried moving the incline higher on the reverse crunch and could do 1 set that way but failed when I was too fatigued. All in all, I'm happy with the whole workout.

    CP I too am happy your hubs is joining you - so wish mine would lift with me. I think we'd have fun! Re Stage 2, I think i hated that Stage more than any of the others. I really felt clumsy and even though I was working with the trainer, just felt as if I wasn't getting anything accomplished. I loved Stage 3! When Stage 4 rolled around I was anxious, since it's a repeat of 2, but wonder of wonders it was fun. I was that much stronger, more experienced etc. and really felt great about it. I hope you'll continue but I understand that this program doesn't suit everyone. Good luck!!

    Sam, hope you two can work things out so you're both happy, whatever way that is! Doncha hate it when a workout feels like that. I had a couple that were just completely depleting - I actually gave up on one of them, thankfully that wasn't recently but it's discouraging when it happens. I know, happens to everyone occassionally, best thing to do is chalk it up and move on.

    Mary how are you feeling? And you too Beeps? You're the one who reminds me (us) that form is what counts and that the weight comes when it's supposed to. My trainer says exactly the same thing! "People are too worried about the #s and are slack on form. Better to do a perfect lower number - use isometric holds etc to challenge yourself"

    Hope you all have a great Monday!!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi All!

    Just checking in quickly here! I've been missing tons of work outs lately, and feeling very guilty about it! I am going on vacation this week (yay!) and am determined to try and get back to my am workouts when I return. I am hoping to get some good runs in on the vaca though! I have a 10k coming up that I am feeling pretty out of shape for.

    Mary - ouch! your back sounds very painful!

    Sam - 500 calories under? any change that triggered your migraine?

    ethie - I've had guys in the weight room give me looks like "and what do you think you are doing with that big bar you small small girl?" but I just keep going. I've got my headphones in, music going, and 45 minutes to complete my workout...I don't have time for their testosterone fueled nonsense!

    keep kicking butt all!
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Must be Monday, things are pretty quiet on the board today.

    Apparently I suck at math...miscalculated my weight to set on the barbell for the front squat/overhead press. I increased my weight from my last lift by 30 lbs. I thought I was doggin it from the weekend celebration...turns out I was just in beast mode.

    The sexism in the dudetastic weight room continues. Today it was in the form of surveillance by an employee of the rec center. I had two of my female coworkers with me (I got another one on the lifting bandwagon!!!), and within minutes of us entering the weight room there appeared an employee. He lurked in the corner of the room and kept his eyes glued on us...then left shortly after we did, I'm sure he was there to make sure we didn't hurt ourselves. Fortunately we only had one lift that required being in that room today. Me and the ladies are hell bent to keep going to that room now until women become a regular feature and these guys quit flipping out on us.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Last week was crazyyy stressful. I only made it to the gym once. But today's workout was AWESOMEEE. I read somewhere in this forum about kissing the floor during push-ups. So, today when i went in, I thought, that's a cool Idea. Guess what I did?!? I touched my nose to the ground on every. single. push-up today. 45, regular push-ups. Nose to the floor. boom. it was awesome. So thanks to whoever made that comment! You totally inspired me.

    It makes me so sad to see all of these posts about grumpiness in the weight room! I hope that it doesn't turn anyone away! Keep it up ladies, great work!

    I squatted 120 lbs today! yayyy!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ethie and Chuckels, RIGHT ON!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ethie and Chuckels, RIGHT ON!!

    ^^^ AWESOME!!
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Chuckels: Get it girl!!! and thanks :)

    Suelegal: thanks!

    Samntha: way to get back at it!

    I'll be taking a break on the lifting (unles I have a pleasant surprise in my hotel fitness center when I arrive) for the week while I'm away at conference. Going to try to keep up with the calorie counting and fitting some sort of exercise in.

    I'm going to check out supplements next week when I return, have been referred to a Complete Nutrition store by a friend who lost a bunch of weight and recently began lifting. What are you ladies using and loving?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    greetings from vacation! the last two days I have taken a daughter to the gym and did a weightlifting session. Daughter 2 liked it a lot more than daughter 1. I am going to lift again tomorrow morning. My eating on vaction has been ok, but don't ask about my alcohol consumption...yikes!

    Ethie - not many hotel gyms that have a good set up for weightlifting, but there are some...take your log sheet with you! I do not take any supplements. My dr says vitamin D is the only supplement you need, and that's only if you live in the north. yea for recruiting new lifters! boo for bad behavior in the weight room!

    Chuckles - those push-ups are awesome!! now that your nose is to the ground, the next challenge is to get the feet off the floor!

    emgel - I think running in new places is one of the most awesome things about running...business trips, vacations, etc!
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    @ethie-- I use the GNC Amp brand (93 cal 20g p, <1 g C <1 g f, i think). It was more expensive than what I wanted to pay for a protein but it tastes delicious (even if it's just mixed with water!) I've been going back and forth between cookies & cream and Strawberry. Your breath will smell AWFUL after and be sure to rinse out your shaker haha. But it works fine for me. I only drink it when I can't make my goals with other food (which is almost every day that I lift, but I try really hard!)

    If I really need an extra pick-me-up, I'm a sucker for the peanut butter cliff builder bars (280 cal, 20g protein lots of carbs moderate fat haha). They are so yummy!!! (might have something to do with the 23g of sugar-- but for a bar that's not SO bad...right? haha oh well. )

    I totally agree with Lc-- running new places is fun! Also, Enjoy your vacation! Have an extra drink for me, because my week is going to be crazy!
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Wow Ethie, I'm so sorry to hear about what you are dealing with in the gym! My gym is rather small, but after the initial shock of seeing a woman in "their world" the guys are rather nice and even strike up conversations. I hope that your gym can change it's position on women in the weight room!

    I am hoping to finish Stage 2 before June 1. I am leaving here for the summer and heading home. New Mexico to Massachusetts! My best friend is flying out to drive with me. My hubby is deployed and this is probably going to be the only time we can afford to go home the entire time we'll be here, plus I just NEED some help....some "me" time. Being single mommy to 3 kids is tough....kuddos to all the real single moms!!!!

    I never took a break between Stage 1 and Stage 2 simply for the fact that after Stage 2 I'll be on the road for an entire week. It's going to be fun though! We are planning some big stops, one of them being Niagara Falls!

    Also the other day I learned about metabolism reset. I have been wondering what the heck I can do to get my body back in alignment. My cycles are off, and my energy is off. I'm going to focus on this for the next 8 or so weeks. Eating at my TDEE. I've already gained 5 lbs since starting this program, may as well finish! lol
  • celticmyss
    celticmyss Posts: 10
    I just put all my remaining stage 1 and stage 2 work outs on my calendar to ensure that I'd be done with stage 2 right before my 4th of July vacation. It worked out perfectly.

    I'm very thankful that people at my gym just seem to ignore each other. I don't know if I'd have the confidence to deal with the crap your facing Ethie. I still stick to the women's weight room for the most part but I'm not afraid of the main room anymore. Sunday it was just me and two other ladies in there, which was really empowering.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Had a very busy weekend...will catch up on thread later today.

    Because of yesterday's holiday Monday, I'll only be lifting Tues/Thurs this week....and Thursday eve I then do (group) TRX.

    Am on UBER-crash diet because boudoir photos are Saturday....so, no carbs (trying to limit even GOOD carbs), upped my protein and my water intake is INSANE just now.

    "Make it Happen in May" is really killing me, lol....am UBER-glad to be giving maintenance a whirl in June.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    lcuconley - I think it is TOTALLY BOSS that you took your 2 daughters weight-lifting! Awesome! My daughter was showing some serious interest in weight-training....alas, spring came along and she's on her bike ALL THE TIME. So, no indoor-work-outs at present. She's 10. I have 10 more years to "work on her", I figure!

    chuckles - my protein shake is a total 'staple' in my diet....I used to think I could get in all my protein with "normal" food, but I just can't. There's only so much chicken breast I can swallow down my gullet before I scream "ENOUGH!!"

    celtic - love that you're going to get through Stage 2 by July 4 - GREAT PLANNING!

    I got my weight-training done. Am stiffening up as I type this....it's gonna be a DOM's day, tomorrow. So, I'm drinking TONS o' water and will have to make sure I don't weight-train on Friday so that, as much as possible, the inflammation has left my body by Saturday's photo shoot!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I hope the DOMS isn't too bad. Enjoy the photo shoot! I am sure you are ready to quit thinking about cutting and just take a break for a while.

    lc, hopefully you can get your daughters hooked on lifting at a young age! I can't imagine how strong I would be if I had started younger.

    Chuckles, way to go on those push-ups!

    Athena, I think that eating at maintenance sounds like a good plan for now. But you also might want to consider getting hormone levels checked if you haven't already.

    My personal trainer session yesterday went really well. I liked her within the first few minutes. When I cringed at the number on the scale as she was weighing me she said, "Don't worry about that- it's JUST a number. Your measurements and your BF% are what matter." She liked the Supercharged workouts and suggested I add some more shoulder work in since they are my weak spot. She commented over and over about how strong and flexible I was. Mind you, a year ago I could barely do a proper body weight squat my hips were so inflexible and my balance was so poor. It was very motivating and reassuring to me that these programs WORK. I'm going to meet with her some more because I think she will challenge me and help keep me motivated.

    We are just 1.5 hours away from the tornado devastation in Moore. It's so heart breaking to watch the news. I'm just sick. Makes me hug my babies extra tight and say a prayer for those mamas who are missing theirs.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Just wanted to step out of the lurker corner and say hello and thank all of you for being such huge inspirations and motivators. Even if you don't realize it a group like this is sometimes the difference between "Not today, I'll just do it tomorrow" and "Hell yeah, gonna pick up some heavy stuff today!"

    Today I did my first squats with a barbell, leaving my dumbbells behind. It was actually kind of nice. The gym I use has a 'Woman's Area' which is a delightful black and pink color scheme and features a variety of machines and dumbbells; to use the bar I had to venture into the 'Men's Area'. I'm feeling a little nervous, surrounded by men twice my size, when a charming gentlemen turns to me and says

    "Hey. Nice to see some girls over here."

    I felt proud of myself before I'd even lifted any thing. :happy: And then I lifted things and now my thighs burn like fire. Good fire, but fire.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    WElcome Chelledrbown, first use of the BB is a big deal. Congrats. Chubby, I'm just glad you and your loved ones are ok. I can't even bring myself to look at the devastation. Too many of the tragedies happening every year.

    I had a late workout. Hubby got home late so I hit the gym at 9 pm. Worked out well I had the place to myself pretty much, I ran into my buddy Stan, and I got to come home to a quiet house. I'm chilling now, Can't quite go to bed just yet lol. I started phase 2 of Life. Oh Bulgarian Split Squat I have not missed you. I got some looks for my nose to floor push ups. I could only 8 per set though.

    Beeps be good to yourself and I hope you feel no pain tomorrow. If you do I'm sure we can suffer together.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Well, DOMs ain't too bad, after all....so, thanks for the thoughts - they must have worked!

    Congrats chelled on hitting the "boys" side of the gym.