Daily Chat Thread



  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Intermittent Fasting - I've been doing it for a week now and I'm pretty sure I'm NOT doing it right in terms of what I'm eating. I'm basically just eating during the "eat" window and fasting during the fast period. I would like to focus on my macros now and lowering my carbs and whatnot on certain days. Does anyone else doing IF feel very full? I feel very full, even when I'm within my calories.

    I too need to work on focusing on my macros more. I figure I will give it a couple of weeks doing IF then start really focusing on tweaking it. I am trying to eat a boiled egg or two before going to bed to help keep me full in the morning. the high carbs on TD and the higher fats on RD is tougher for me. I tend to eat the same things day-to-day with dinner being the main change up so this is a little tougher. just a little more planning...

    Yes! Me too! I eat the same things every day. LOL. I go through phases with food and eat the same thing for weeks or even months until I get sick of it and switch it up.

    emgel - I'm glad you're back in the gym! Take it easy and do what you can. Glad you're feeling better.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member

    If you haven't already done so, please report in re: this week's point for 7-WEEK-CHALLENGE!

    5 more weeks to go, ladies, until 2013.

    Did YOUR point go to "ME" (yay!) or "NEW" (boo!) last week??
  • georgia313
    georgia313 Posts: 29 Member
    New here! The IF mentioned in the threads - is this Fast 5 or are you discussing another option?
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    New here! The IF mentioned in the threads - is this Fast 5 or are you discussing another option?

    I'm doing 14/10. I think a couple others are as well. Or somewhere in that time frame.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Hi Goergia - welcome! I tend to use a 6-8 hour eating window on a daily basis. That's it. No (other) fancy "plan" for me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I had a TERRIBLE weekend, eating-wise. Simply terrible. I gave myself "permission" to enjoy some potato chips on Saturday (my son came over with his gf - we watched a movie together) - and it just went straight to hell from there. Sunday was awful. I had the WORST stomach-ache I have had in quite some time!

    So, today is a 'fast' day. I think I might do mini-fasts everyday this week since month-end photos/measurements are right around the corner!

    I did get my lifting in, today. New exercise? "One-leg get ups". Holy gawd, these were AWFUL! simply awful and terrible and my legs are sore and I REALLY WISH MY GLUTES WOULD "FIRE" LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO!
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    My point goes to ME this week! I increased elevated planks and elevated side planks both by 15 seconds. Thanks for the challenge, Beeps! I am not a competitive person by nature, but I do like to challenge myself. This is just the type of thing I needed to help me push a little harder through something I really don't like to do!! Hope everyone is starting off this week after a holiday on the right foot and getting back to routines!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    NEW. :(.
    I will get back in the swing of things eventually. I didn't realize how disruptive moving this time of year would be....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member

    It's a 7-week CHALLENGE! Which means, it should be 'difficult' (but not 'impossible'). There's still 5 weeks left to GET THIS RIGHT!

    I know you are all working VERY HARD at getting in your "regular" exercise, nevermind this EXTRA piece! So, give yourself a break, move on from whatever you *did* do last week (nicely done, heatheralia!) or *didn't* do last week (we all have crap weeks....) and just FOCUS ON TODAY!

  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself, Cowgirl! Remember you are really rockin' it when it comes to losing the pounds lately!!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Cowgirl - I'm with Heather. Don't be so hard on yourself! Everyone has "off" weeks, and I don't think that's even what yours was!

    Heather - AWESOME job on those planks, girl!

    Beeps - fantastic attitude. Forget this weekend and go get 'em girl!

    Okay, finished stage 2 today, and man my arms are jello!!!

    Deadlift: 85lbs
    > 100lbs (lost form after this)
    FSSP 45lb
    > 60lbs Once I got the hang of the form, I could do more!

    One-leg row things 20lb DB
    > 25 lb DB (losing balance!)

    Split Squats: 15lb DB
    > 25lb DB
    Underhand Lat Pulldown(altered for home, no cable): 30lbs
    > 45lbs

    Reverse Lunge with Reach: 6" step 15lb db
    > 25lb DB
    Prone Cuban Snatch (altered for home): 15lb
    > 25lb DB

    SB Crunches: 12lb ball
    > 25lb ball 20 reps
    Lat Flexion: normal
    > with side crunch thing

    Cobra: 60s
    > 90
    Plank 90s

    Push-ups 12
    > 20
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! Y'all are the best :flowerforyou:
    Got a very quick lifting session in just to remind myself how it feels. The new gym is going to be much busier than the other one I was going to. I'm going to have to figure out how to make sure I'm not there at the busy times. Looked like mostly cardio queens (and I don't mean that disparagingly at all, just not sure how else to describe them :happy: ). Hopefully I'll have the weights mostly to myself....
    April, those are some awesome stats! Great job finishing Stage 2.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    End of Stage 2!

    FSPP 45lbs - 45lbs (I didn't manage to progress at all with this and ended up doing squats and an over head press. Finished Squatting 133lbs / 60kg)
    Step up - 35lbs step with 1 riser - 35lbs step with 2 risers
    DB 1PR 16lbs / 7.5kg - 33lbs/15kg
    S Lunge RFE 35lbs step with 1 riser - 35lbs step with 3 risers
    Push up feet raised on step with 1 riser - feet raised on step with 2 risers
    Plank 60s with breaks - 60s straight through
    Cable HWC no.3 - no.6 (doesn't equate to kg or lbs so not sure what weight that is but managed to increase each time)

    Wide D/L from box 89lbs/40kg - 133lbs/60kg
    B S/Squat 11lbs/5kg - 33lbs/15kg (I was able to use 25kg power bag on my shoulders but as i wasn't using my arms I thought this was like cheating!)
    u/h Lat pulldown 69lbs/31.5kg - 102lbs/46.5kg
    Rear lunge with reach 11lbs/5kg - 22lbs/10kg
    D/B prone c/snatch 5lbs/2.5kg - 16lbs/7.5kg
    all the crunches etc 10 - 20
    prone cobra 55s - 65s

    ok looking at this I don't feel like I achieved much during this stage. Still I think I maintained what I had gained during stage 1 - at least not slipped back at all.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    liv, I think you did great! Are you starting Stage 3 on Wednesday like I am? I'm waiting until after 3 to take a rest week. If I take it then. Stage 1 was just so long that I was ready for a change and ready for a rest week. I was so bored with it by the end of those 8 weeks. But I like that the stages are shorter now. It makes me less inclined to want to take a week of rest! I may just take a few days rather than a full week. I don't know yet. I'm apparently in a rambling mood though....LOL

    Thanks for the compliment, cowgirl! :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Yay on the NEW GYM, cowgirl! THAT'S AWESOME!

    livlovra - I'd suggest making sure your step, for the step-ups, is MUCH higher! Drop the weight down (way down - maybe back to BW!) and make sure that the step is HIGH ENOUGH that when you step on it, your stepping leg is at a perfect right angle (90 degrees).

    Okay, I'm going to post the 7-WEEK-CHALLENGE results (from week 2) even though some stragglers haven't advised me if point is to "ME" or to "NEW".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    New here! The IF mentioned in the threads - is this Fast 5 or are you discussing another option?

    Welcome Georgia!
    I IF with a 14/10 split as well. It seems to be working well for me. I get plenty done in the mornings while waiting for the noon break of my fast. I am doing just fine working out fasted or with a small portion of protein shake in me. I am looking into getting some BCAA's but have not really looked too hard just yet. and no set program. just trying it out to see how it works for me.

    Do you do something similar?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    NEW for me this week.

    Being at Mom's house, I pretty much knew that this would happen. Although, I can happily report that I did not go overboard in my eating, which is tough to do at her house. She has a constant supply of junk food and candy and I was able to stay away from the candy all together and really limit the junk food. But, I didn't get any exercise in at all and I know I didn't get enough protein the entire time.

    Got back to lifting today - honestly surprised I was able to complete it since I had more than 1 week off. Thinking maybe I'll repeat it before moving up as it was difficult today.

    Squat - 110
    OHP - 65
    Deadlift - 130

    Sorry I can't remember everything, but

    Jessica - hope you can get thru all this stress easily! Sounds afwul

    Cowgirl - congrats on the new gym, hope it works out for you.

    livlov - great job on Stage 2!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    NEW for me this week.

    Being at Mom's house, I pretty much knew that this would happen. Although, I can happily report that I did not go overboard in my eating, which is tough to do at her house. She has a constant supply of junk food and candy and I was able to stay away from the candy all together and really limit the junk food. But, I didn't get any exercise in at all and I know I didn't get enough protein the entire time.

    Got back to lifting today - honestly surprised I was able to complete it since I had more than 1 week off. Thinking maybe I'll repeat it before moving up as it was difficult today.

    Squat - 110
    OHP - 65
    Deadlift - 130

    Sorry I can't remember everything, but

    Jessica - hope you can get thru all this stress easily! Sounds afwul

    Cowgirl - congrats on the new gym, hope it works out for you.

    livlov - great job on Stage 2!

    You totally forgot me. :P

    Anyway, sounds like you did really well this week, considering it's really hard to eat well when Momma's cooking! And with a constant supply of junk food! Ack! Good job, and welcome back. You did great lifting today!

    gadenni - I don't workout fasted b/c I have to work 7-330, but I'm finding the more I do this, the more I like it. I break my fast at noon and have my last snack by around 9:30pm. I'm such a late eater, and I didn't realize how much I used to eat late. But now that I'm cutting myself off by 10, I realize I'm also cutting myself off from wine if I was drinking it and going to bed! I would stay up late before for another snack or finishing a glass of wine. Now, at 10pm, I'm done and in bed! LOL So it's healthier for me all around.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    No nO no the point was to ME this week -! did you miss me out? or forget me?