Thanks for all the tips! I might look into the MIO Alpha thing. Thanks Again, Everyone
Even if you are doing different movements? Say ,I am doing arms and I have a few different exercises for those, and then I work my back with a few different exercises for those as well, that doesn't matter? It is just the length of time I spend lifting? Even if I switch the weight of my dumbbell?
Glad to hear your reaching your goals! Congrats!:happy:
Hey! I'm on the same boat as you! I fell off the band wagon due to career changes and moves. But I'm slowly getting back on the boat. I just got over the flu, so I didn't really eat anything for a week... just tea and crackers. I don't mind sharing food ideas and or workouts.
I used to work there. That was tough. Now I work at Tim Hortons. The timbits and doughnuts are worse, i think. Lucky i don't like doughnuts. O_O
Thanks! His name is Zeke. He will be 2 Oct 14 of this year! Only a 10 days away! If I'm not working we're going to go for a nice hike and then to an open field for a game of fetch. :) Congrats on the 12.5lbs! I'm just trying to maintain. I lose and gain to much to quickly, so I'm trying to get a pattern and make healthier…
I am doing alright. And good luck on your goal! I hope you have a smooth ride!
Walk the dog, warm up run on the treadmill and some crunches and leg work outs. Just getting back into the work out since my knee bummed out on me. :smile: