New to the party

So, a quick (or not so quick) introduction...

Months back, maybe about 6 months ago, I stepped on a scale, and saw my weight was at 203 lbs. I'm a 6' tall guy who had NEVER been over 200 before in my life (now, in fairness, I don't know how long I had actually been around that weight, since I hadn't weighed myself in a while). But what REALLY got me, was when they took my picture for my badge at work, and I saw my face. I just looked...not myself. So, I had decided to start doing some jogging and stuff. 5-6 years ago, I had moved to FL for a time, and was doing a lot of walking, and cut back on food, and had lost 20-some odd pounds in that stretch, so it was only logical that if I did the same again, I'd get similar results. But, I wasn't really cutting back on the food like I did before. I was able to get some jogging in, and even though I felt out of shape, I did manage to drop about 10 pounds. It was a success, but not a great one by my own hopes.

In August, I underwent some major dental work, which left my mouth VERY sore for a couple weeks, and more importantly, meant that I couldn't eat the stuff I normally did. Gone were burgers, and hard foods, replaced with noodles, and soups. And within a couple weeks, I had lost another 15 lbs. Suddenly I was down to almost 180 lbs, the lowest in years, and more importantly to me, it meant that I was no longer craving the same junk food that I had been filling up on.

So now, I try to get out and get a few miles in a few times a week, and am just starting to get some push-ups and sit-ups going too. I will say, this site is a great tool for me. Seeing an actual number on a screen each night, knowing that I'm beating that number almost all the time, and sometimes by a bit, is nice. And moreso, that I'm doing so without feeling that I'm lost and weak. I'm not out playing three hours of basketball or anything, but I'm not down on any energy, so I feel like my body has readjusted itself back to where I was years past, and I couldn't be happier. Plus, my clothes fit again :)

Happy to be here!

~ Charles


  • crampt
    crampt Posts: 10 Member
    Glad to hear your reaching your goals! Congrats!:happy: