Time To Join In

crampt Posts: 10 Member
Well, kind of obvious, I am new! Haha,

How is everyone doing?
What is your goal?
Did you join on your own or did someone one persuade you to join?


  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    Welcome :)

    I am doing just fine, how bout yourself?

    Goal is to hit 195lbs (a loss of 133lbs)

    I joined on my own after stumbling upon the app on my droid and after joining the actual site i have recruited 5 people in 3 weeks :)
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Welcome! Nice dog btw. I am doing pretty well on the weight loss. I started in the middle of August and so far down 12.5 lbs. My goal is to get to 115 or 110. I'm 5.1' I have about 11 more pounds to go to get to 115. I joined on my own but a friend suggested the site to me last year. I tried for a day only but got back to it now :) Good luck on your journey :drinker:
  • crampt
    crampt Posts: 10 Member
    I am doing alright.

    And good luck on your goal! I hope you have a smooth ride!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Well, kind of obvious, I am new! Haha,

    How is everyone doing?
    What is your goal?
    Did you join on your own or did someone one persuade you to join?

    welcome!! doing great - glad to have you here!
    my goal is to reach 105lbs and to tone up my legs/arms/abs!
    i joined with my fiance, we just kind of stumbled upon this lovely website and decided to make healthier choices together.
    feel free to friend me if you'd like!!
  • crampt
    crampt Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks! His name is Zeke. He will be 2 Oct 14 of this year! Only a 10 days away! If I'm not working we're going to go for a nice hike and then to an open field for a game of fetch. :)

    Congrats on the 12.5lbs! I'm just trying to maintain. I lose and gain to much to quickly, so I'm trying to get a pattern and make healthier choices. I'm 5'3. My mom introduced me to the site, I've always been a health nut. Used to work out religiously, but it fell apart when I left high school and got full time employment and a relationship. We do/did plenty of hiking, but now it's back to the books and work.

    Good luck on the last 11!
