kellymoffat Member


  • Hi :) I just turned 26 and looking for friends to help stay on track too. Feel free to add me
  • Is it too late? I have Cize, Piyo, and Brazil Butt Lift at home, as well as various Pilates workouts. I'm looking for someone to help motivate me and help keep me accountable. :smile:
  • I'd love to join!
  • Count me in! This is a great idea! :)
  • That's awesome and super inspiring! Just getting back into working out and eating healthier which is not going as easily as I thought. What a great idea for "feeling" the difference!
  • Completed level 1! Have lost a total of 8 pounds and 8.75 inches. See you in level 2!
  • Finished Day 8 of Level 1! Two more days, two more days....
  • Finished with Level 1 Day 7. Start Level 2 on Sunday if all stays as planned. Anyone have any pointers?
  • My goal is to be down about 20 pounds by 5 months from now. I think giving myself 25 pounds by July sounds great. In addition to losing the weight I want to be toned! April is the three year mark of being with my boyfriend so my reward is (and btw this was MY idea) buying a sexy black cocktail dress and having him take me…
  • Hi all! So glad you are considering 30DS. I just finished Day 5 on Level 1 and feel so much better. I'm noticing that I'm getting a little bit more muscle definition (it might just be my imagination) and my endurance is definitely getting better. Feel free to join the group I'm in. It is called 30 Day Shred Challenge. I…
  • L1D5 DONE! Feeling discouraged that it's not day 29 and that even though I feel like I've been doing this constantly it's still the beginning. Definitely didn't want to do it today, but I still unrolled my mat, turned Psych on on Netflix and muted Jillian while working out. Made it go by so much faster. Halfway through…
  • Did L1D4! Tried to get my mom to do it with me but she wouldn't (figures!) so I coaxed my sister into trying it. Her exact words "I'm not that sweaty." Please! I was slippin' and slidin' everywhere and I felt great!! Hope everyone is staying on track!
  • Just finished L1D3 and 20 minutes of Zumba on the Wii. I was so sore when I woke up this morning, but pushed through the pain and modified if I needed to. Also, changed the push-ups to triangle push-ups cuz my tris need more loving. Doing L1D4 tomorrow with my mom and it'll be her first day. Here's to hoping she loves it!
  • Also, please feel free to add me!! As I said I need the motivation and support and would love to be that for you as well. I need friends on here LOL!
  • What were your results with the 30DS when you've used it before?
  • Hi everyone, My name is Kelly and I've been a member of MFP for a little over a year. Last year I started using MFP and a journal to track progress. Well, that lasted about a week and I was looking back and realized I still look the same. This time I'm dedicated to making changes and am looking for people who are in the…