

  • Thanks so much for this! According to these calculations I should be consuming about 1756 calories per day - which seems much more doable while on TF. The 1230 just isn't giving me the energy I need to get through the workouts without passing out. :laugh:
  • I didn't do the prep schedule and I've seen posts from people on this forum saying you don't really need to. I'd say as long as you're not starting from zero (no exercise whatsoever) you should be fine. I'm sure it would be fine to do other exercises too, but I'm usually too exhausted to do anything else. I mean, the…
  • I got up at 5:00 this morning to get my Fire 55 EZ workout in since I'm going out tonight. It was so tempting to just lay in bed, but I didn't!
  • I don't have a knee injury but I have an ankle injury. My doctor said it was on the verge of being a stress fracture (this is before Turbo Fire) and he told me to stay off of it for a while, but it hasn't ever healed. So I just do the low-impact version but I find myself getting carried away sometimes and I have to reel…
  • Weighed in this morning and lost 1.6 after a month on the program. Doesn't seem like much, but I'm happy with it. :)
    in Weigh In Comment by thenapony May 2013
  • Did Fire 30 and Sculpt 30 today. And MAN was that a relief from Fire 55. It's amazing how mental it is. It's like I'm defeated before I even begin 55. Today I was thinking, '30? Piece o' cake!' I was dead on with the choreography and gave it my all the whole time. Here's to hoping my next 55 workout will be similar!
  • This go-round I've decided to weigh and take measurements only once per month. And actually, I think that's what Turbo Fire says to do--a month in is when it's written on the schedule at least. For me personally, not weighing has helped me stay motivated. I get super bummed when I don't see any movement on the scale (or…
    in Weigh In Comment by thenapony May 2013
  • Did HIIT 20 & Sculpt 30 today. Felt okay. I hate that band! The moves are so awkward. I took two days off this week instead of just one. I've noticed it's so much harder for me to workout again after two days off than if I just have one day off.
  • Feelin' it from Tone 30 last night. :oP And I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of the tone and sculpt workouts. The red band hurts so much where it lays on my arms!
  • I would think that since you've been working out you'd be fine starting with the regular schedule. It'll still be tough and you'll be sore, but it'll be a good sore! Good luck! :)