
  • When I am really starving and I am at my calorie max I find brushing me teeth really helps. I know sounds weird but it works. UFOGal
    in Went TOO Long Comment by UFOGal May 2010
  • The problem with diet soda is the aspartame in them. There lot studies indicating that the stuff is awful for you. I got tell you personally since cut it out of my diet. I've felt a lot less hungery, craving a lot less sweets and carbs. I've had almost 70% less mystery headaches. I know it's not the caffeine I switched to…
    in Diet Soda Comment by UFOGal May 2010
  • There are a lot indications emerging that these food intolerance that are on the rise aren't really food intolerance to the actual food items it's the junk that's in them due to modern commercial farming practices. The GMO soy and corn which one or the other is in nearly all processed food in some for or fashion is causing…
  • I am no expert . But hitting a plane now and again in weight lose is pretty normal. Seems like the general advise on several web sites like WebMD and others is this: Zig Zag your calorie intake meaning one day eat 1800 then the next 2500. The idea is to trick your metabolism to going again. Because your body has gotten…