

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side_stitch work on breathing. I still have this problem though.....so I probably couldn't help you there.
  • ooooh! the fourth one is gorgeous. no frills for the boy.
  • see your friend, and walk later like a post above mentioned. walking is perfect for catching up. also, make sure you're not getting any sugary lattes/chais/etc--you don't want to forfeit good eating/drinking habits, too. :)
  • this is probably the best and worst post on this forum, haha. did you know looking at fatty foods actually triggers something in the brain that makes us crave it? that's why fast-food commercials are so effective....
  • hahaha i always try looking but am never able to focus long enough (cause i'm moving, haha) to read it! But i always try to push myself to say on the treadmill longer than the person next to me. nice way to trick my body by being a little competitive. :)
  • Oh, and also I forgot about BodyRock! Have you heard of it??? It's literally less than 20 minutes long per work and it's sooooo intense and wonderful. You'll literally feel the burn for a few days. Check them out at bodyrock.tv
  • Have you tried "time-blocking"???? It's so incredibly effective if you plan your day out every night and set aside time in CHUNKS to do everything you need. I can't write properly enough so I'm giving you the link to Cal Newport's awesome time-management blogpost:…
  • I know exactly what you mean. I was going great for an entire month or so and then midterm-time hit and i stopped tracking, exercising, everything. And I was eating lots of fast-food because I was always at the library. Anyway, it was hard to get back on track. Today was the first day I successfully tracked my calories and…
    in Ugggh Comment by radlosing November 2011
  • I'm 5'3 and my dream weight is 125!! seems like a good number to be at, hm?? I'm ~152 now, and even when I'm 145 I think I look so much better. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!