
Everyday I say I can do this and somehow I screw up


  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    Is it one consistent problem? The key to success is to try, try, try again. I learned to quit expecting perfection, to forgive yourself and move on.
  • radlosing
    I know exactly what you mean.
    I was going great for an entire month or so and then midterm-time hit and i stopped tracking, exercising, everything. And I was eating lots of fast-food because I was always at the library. Anyway, it was hard to get back on track.

    Today was the first day I successfully tracked my calories and went to the gym again since midterms. I was literally talking myself out of going to the gym as I was walking there and then all it took was to remember that feeling of pride after I've done something good for my body (like running)--and I went. I went with one goal in mind knowing that I'd feel so incredible if I just did this one good thing for myself. Set a tiny goal and make yourself damn proud and set another small goal and keep going. You'll be surprised how much they add up.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!