Opinion on a gift for my boyfriend!

Short story: Long distance with my boyfriend currently and have been together for over 2 years now. Getting him his xmas present now, and will be seeing him in a few weeks! My idea: Italian bechgroung just like me :] SO I thought about getting him a hand pained keepsake box straight from Italy! Thoughts? :]

I really like these:





(sorry cant copy)


  • Tmbrooks75
    Tmbrooks75 Posts: 182 Member
    either the second one or the 4th one. round (without the frilly edges) is better, in my humble opinion
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Those are lovely! I like the square ones.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i always really enjoy when a girlfriend gets me some kind of clothing. a nice shirt, jacket, sweater...etc...
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    It's the thought that counts in any gift, but how many guys want a "keepsake box?"

    I'd check out www.uncrate.com if you are looking for gift ideas. Good luck.
  • radlosing
    ooooh! the fourth one is gorgeous.
    no frills for the boy.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    It's the thought that counts in any gift, but how many guys want a "keepsake box?"

    I'd check out www.uncrate.com if you are looking for gift ideas. Good luck.

    He likes sentimental things. He made it obvious he would be upset if I got him something like a game he wanted or clothes. Weird I know! Lost when it comes to sentimental ideas for guys. used all my good ones already xD
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    He likes sentimental things. He made it obvious he would be upset if I got him something like a game he wanted or clothes. Weird I know! Lost when it comes to sentimental ideas for guys. used all my good ones already xD

    Then you should go with links. Did you know that Joan Baez got then-boyfriend Bob Dylan a pair of beautiful cuff links? He liked them so much, he wore them on the album cover of Bringing It All Back Home--right after he broke up with her.

  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    engraved flask? :D
  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    what a cute idea! (:
    my vote is either the 2nd or the 4th...

    hope i helped, we italians have to stick together!! ;)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    He likes sentimental things. He made it obvious he would be upset if I got him something like a game he wanted or clothes. Weird I know! Lost when it comes to sentimental ideas for guys. used all my good ones already xD

    Then you should go with links. Did you know that Joan Baez got then-boyfriend Bob Dylan a pair of beautiful cuff links? He liked them so much, he wore them on the album cover of Bringing It All Back Home--right after he broke up with her.

    Thanks for the help :] really appreciate it!

    I thought about that actually, but the thing is that he doesn't really have a need for them. I T-shirt and jeans guy :/ think he would still need?
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Hmm.. sentimental... what about a nice photo of you (or the two of you or somewhere scenic you went together) printed on canvas or in a special frame?

    A 'mix tape' (CD) of songs you think he'll like, or you both like?

    A journal with some entries started by you about how much you appreciate and miss him?

    A voucher for a nice restaurant that you can use when you're together again?

    Just a few ideas...
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Unless he wears French cuffs ever, he doesn't need links. If he wears them even two or three times a year, a pair of links is a nice gesture and he'll be forced to think of you every time he wears the shirt.

    Maybe a tie clip is a better option? Right now this kitschy one is on my list of ridiculous items to buy:

    Good luck. I value functionality over sentiment, so I won't be a great help. I'd say something like a nice wallet would be wonderful. He'd use it almost every day and you'd know he appreciates it when he pulls it out of his pocket to pay for your dinner and drinks. Does he play music*? Here's a fun one:

    * That chin strap says that he tries...
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Unless he wears French cuffs ever, he doesn't need links. If he wears them even two or three times a year, a pair of links is a nice gesture and he'll be forced to think of you every time he wears the shirt.

    Maybe a tie clip is a better option? Right now this kitschy one is on my list of ridiculous items to buy:

    Good luck. I value functionality over sentiment, so I won't be a great help. I'd say something like a nice wallet would be wonderful. He'd use it almost every day and you'd know he appreciates it when he pulls it out of his pocket to pay for your dinner and drinks. Does he play music? Here's a fun one:

    The tie clip is a good idea! He has to wear a tie to hockey games occasionally. I like the wallet idea too :] Not a musician, but an athlete. Life revolves around hockey! Have been trying to think of something with that, but haven't come up with anything unfortunately >.<

    He also used to wear a gold chain with a hockey sticks pennant. Got broke and lost one day so i thought I could maybe replace it? I have no clue when it comes to man jewelry tho xD
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    do they have pottery places near you? you could make him something there. i think it would be cool if a girlfriend made me a coffee mug or something.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I like the CD idea. Simple, inexpensive and thoughtful.
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    I never let a Christmas go by without something Mickey Mouse for my sentimental hubby. Definitely go with something he wouldn't buy for himself...perhaps a set of (small) stuffed hockey mascots.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    do they have pottery places near you? you could make him something there. i think it would be cool if a girlfriend made me a coffee mug or something.

    Jesus...I'd almost rather not get a gift.

    Just thinking outside the box...what about a nice weekender bag? Something to encourage him to visit you a little more? Jack Spade, Ralph Lauren, and Killspencer all make pretty great bags.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    What about if you planned a nice night out instead of the "gift". I'm much more pleased with going somewhere than receiving something I didn't really want in the first place. If he likes hockey, maybe you could get some tickets and surprise him. Get great seats, make it a memorable game. Something along those lines might be unexpected and well received.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    do they have pottery places near you? you could make him something there. i think it would be cool if a girlfriend made me a coffee mug or something.

    Jesus...I'd almost rather not get a gift.

    Just thinking outside the box...what about a nice weekender bag? Something to encourage him to visit you a little more? Jack Spade, Ralph Lauren, and Killspencer all make pretty great bags.

    I think a really effing cool murse is actually a great idea for a gift, with a personalized name tag inside from you for identification, if he travels for hockey etc, this is a great idea. If your set on the gift boxes though Sunshine, I would do 1 or 2. PS A really kick *kitten* watch for cheap on Ebay or beyondtherack.com (super good sales on there for EVERYTHING) would be nice too. If all else fails, what about a chain and pendant? I think if you want to go sentimental, make it something he does carry with him everyday so he's always reminded of you. :)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    do they have pottery places near you? you could make him something there. i think it would be cool if a girlfriend made me a coffee mug or something.

    Jesus...I'd almost rather not get a gift.

    Just thinking outside the box...what about a nice weekender bag? Something to encourage him to visit you a little more? Jack Spade, Ralph Lauren, and Killspencer all make pretty great bags.

    I like that idea too! Kind of reminds me of what a few other guy suggested earlier today:
    unique shaving supplies :D

    You are awesome with these ideas! I can't read his mind and im a girls sooo. i like girly things! xD
    I love sports like him, but still couldn't come up with anything related to hockey.
    I about wanted to give up earlier xD