

  • I use a Polar heart rate monitor (recommended to me by an old trainer I used to work with). I bought the one with a wrist watch and the band that goes around your abdominal area (I wanted minimal distraction). It's very good, hasn't failed me yet, I let the heart rate monitor, which is the band, hang out right under my…
  • I take my coffee with just enough skim to make it light (1/4 cup?), and 1 splenda. On the splenda topic: I use one splenda, any more would be too sweet and after one packet you really start to taste that sweetner aftertaste. I've tried Truvia and like it a lot, I just haven't gone back to the store for it. And I wanted to…
  • I know how you feel--I had lost a lot of weight (actually got myself pretty thin) only to gain it back in about a 3 year span. So disappointing! Especially when I swore up and down that I would NEVER allow myself to gain it back knowing how hard it was to take it off. Well, here we are. This time around, I feel that I…
  • I would start with walking too, and also some light cycling. That's how I started working out when I first was very heavy and hadn't really worked out before. I stay motivated by visualizing my goal--be it an outfit, or an occasion, your health... I would have to say that the best advice I ever heard/read is that if you…
  • I've used this machine before while working out with a personal trainer. She would put me on it at a very high resistance to work out my arms/and for some cardio in between weight training. I have to say, we didn't use that machine very much though, it was usually when it was peak hours at the gym and the other cardio…
  • Hi everyone! Just signed up this past weekend. It's really nice to be able to be "in the same boat" or similar boats... lol, as other people! :) I got really fed up not fitting into my clothes and my jeans, I decided to stop buying bigger sizes and lose the weight (again)!