At it again....again.....again.

So, here I am, exactly one year from the point where I lost 32 lbs....back up to my original weight. How disgusting. Needless to say, I am VERY disappointed in myself. The good news is, I quit smoking 8 weeks ago (with a slip-ups) so at least I have an "excuse" for gaining some of the weight back.

In addition to quitting smoking, I have just relocated from Upstate NY to Colorado. One would think with making such a huge transition, I would have at least had a job before I moved. As hard as I tried, I was unsuccessful in finding something. And unfortunately, 8 weeks later, I still haven't found one. So, the fact that I am sitting home all day, mindlessly searching the internet for something in my field, applying to job after job after job, grabbing whatever is in front of me certainly accounts for the weight gain. As far as exercise, while being on the computer for sun up to sun down, there isn't much time for that. Being stressed out about not being able to find work is definitely a contributing factor, as well.

So, all that being said, here I am......again......back on MFP to be more concious of what I am eating, the activities I am doing, and pinpoint all of the things I am doing wrong and what I need to do to fix them!

I am looking forward to everyones support and ideas!!



  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    Oh and if anyone knows of any A/R jobs in the Denver area, let me know!! LOL!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow! You have quite a lot going on! Good luck in your job search! Hope you are able to find the help and support here on MFP you need once again. Congrats on quitting smoking! :drinker:
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I know how you feel. Almost a year ago I had lost 21 lbs. and I have since gained it all back and then some! SOOOO frustrating. But this time I'm doing it right and going to finish what I started before. I am making it a life change this time and not even saying the "D" word. I have a new eating plan, way of eating that I think I can deal with from now on. I just re-started my weight loss efforts yesterday and I'm already feeling better (maybe it's just the mindset so far) and I feel pretty confident that I can do it this time. You can too. Maybe just take a 15 min, 30 min, or hour break here and there from the internet searching and go for a walk. You'll get a little exercise (to help with the stress) and a break from the stress. I know you want to find a job as soon as you can but a little break now and then would probably be good for you. Good luck, with the job and the weight loss!

    P.S. One thing I finally decided I had to do was forget the past. Acknowledge that you did lose the weight (and so are capable of doing it again) and then forget about it. You (and I) can't change the fact that we gained the weight back all we can do now is work to lose it again and figure out how/why we gained it back so we don't make the same mistake again. I even went into my weigh-ins here on MFP and deleted ALL of my old ones. Every time I would look at them I would get depressed about how I wasn't that weight anymore and that wasn't helpful for me to get back to that weight again.
  • daisyvidal
    daisyvidal Posts: 7
    I know how you feel--I had lost a lot of weight (actually got myself pretty thin) only to gain it back in about a 3 year span. So disappointing! Especially when I swore up and down that I would NEVER allow myself to gain it back knowing how hard it was to take it off. Well, here we are. This time around, I feel that I least I know how to take it off. What to eat and how to work out--and I know it's possible. I know not to get discouraged if the weight isn't consistently coming off--i'm armed with knowledge, now it's a matter of staying motivated. Keep at it! Hope you find a job soon--and if anyone knows of any jobs in NYC--let me know! LOL ;)
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    ME TOO!! I graduated from college in December and gained back about half of what I'd lost the year before while bumming around at my parents' house looking for a job! Fortunately, I now have a job, but still trying to lose a lot of that weight. I'm restarting my calorie logs today after taking off almost a month, during which I had to take my blood sugar to make sure I wasn't hypoglycemic because I kept having spells of dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, muscle weakness, the works! :(

    And I, too, am in the Denver area!! Unfortunately, I work in software, so no help in the job front, but feel free to message me about Colorado stuff! (Beautiful weather this week, don't you think?)

    Hang in there! It will all be good again! :flowerforyou:
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    Thanks for the support everyone!!

    All I ever hear about around here is how "fit" Denver is, and how Colorado is one of the healthiest states, etc. I'm not going to fit in very well if I keep up what I have been doing! Gotta do some changin'!! The good thing is, my boyfriend is now conciously looking at labels on everything saying, "This only has 'this many' calories. That's good, right?" (He has gained about 40+ lbs since we have been together) This coming from a man who doesn't eat any vegetables other than corn! So hopefully, now that he is paying attention to what he eats, he'll be a little more supportive of me not wanting to have pizza for dinner every night!

    Pixie, yes, the weather has been nice, FINALLY, but I could really do with out this wind!! It scares me!! Oh, and the tornado warnings every day...that's a little frightening too!