integrity Member


  • Hi Chrissie, First of all, please give yourself a pat on the back for all your efforts and asking for help when you feel you need it. Because of those two things, you have everything you need to achieve your goals. Hang in there! One of the main things people struggle with is jumping in hard and fast to a new exercise or…
  • Yes, I believe it does mean the whole salad. You might want to double check the number of servings that are in the dressing pack, however. Sometimes the package contains 2 servings. Great choice! Kim
  • Hi, I have found food tolerances to be an enigma most of my life and am finally getting a handle on exactly what my body wants and doesn't want. Your reactions can be associated with many things such as spurts of high energy followed by low blood sugar crashes, allergies, intolerances, or just the way you metabolize…
  • I love your title! I'm also trying to balance the macro-nutrients in all my meals. The first thought that comes to my mind is to keep some favorite nuts and seeds on hand. You could even grind your favorites, or combinations of them and stir them into your oatmeal for some nutty nutrition. Then you can also be creative…
  • Hi Charlotte, Good for you for still making the effort even though you feel discouraged! I see inspiration in that right there! It sounds like several others have given you a lot of suggestionstoo; what a great community for support. Some of the things that I do when my desire to exercise is low is to ask myself some of…
  • Hi everyone, What a great site! I'm loving it already. I'm just wanting to check in and make sure my diet and exercise is balanced and staying on track. This is an awesome tool to help me stick to my plans (in a flexible way) and avoid the late night munchies. :) (Well, I do allow myself vegetables or fruit.) :) Anyway,…
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