BMAJK Member


  • Similar to gurgi22, I can finish off a can of chick peas in no time. They're ssooo good. even just right out of the can. Or a bowl of frozen baby peas with a little olive oil and sea salt. OMG I think I'm having that for lunch now!!
  • awesome recipe ideas everyone! We really like to slice up lemons, limes and oranges then bake it.
    in tilapia!?! Comment by BMAJK January 2010
  • These are all great ideas!
    in Brow Rice Comment by BMAJK January 2010
  • weekends are hard because I'm not on the computer at home as much as I at work everyday during the week. I think I do good because what and how much I eat doesn't really change but I just don't track it. When was the last time you........wanted to strangle the woman working in the cubicle next to you:grumble:
  • wow. I was not expecting that at all!:noway: I don't know how you didn't throw up?! I feel like doing it just reading about it! I agree w/ Gina-make sure you count it as protein! and maybe some water? eewww too far sorry.
  • On the plane ride home from Vegas. The Proposal-it was hilarious!! when was the last time you...........had a wake up in the middle of the night all sweaty nighmare?
  • You know, I don't think I've ever had one. I know what they are and everything, but I've never had one.:embarassed: When was the last time you.........were on an airplane?
  • Great tip about chewing gum!:happy:
  • yes I did go to it and sure its information-from one person-you sure don't hear about the 23 year old women who died from H1N1 earlier this month in a city about 2 hours away from me on youtube and you don't hear about 2/3 of our schools being closed this past week.
    in H1N1 Shots Comment by BMAJK October 2009
  • I'm sorry but the fact that I was directed to Youtube proves my point. I guess we all just do what we think is best.
    in H1N1 Shots Comment by BMAJK October 2009
  • this vaccine exists for a reason and the people who have decided this are much smarter than the general public that are indoctrinated by the media, and have obviously come to the conclusion that the benefits outweigh the side effects (if any).
    in H1N1 Shots Comment by BMAJK October 2009
  • the thought of NOT getting it doesn't even cross my mind. The Media does an amazing job of confusing people and making them think they can make their own decisions based on so called "websites". GROW-UP AND GET THE BLOODY SHOT
    in H1N1 Shots Comment by BMAJK October 2009
  • this past April. saw Britneys Circus Tour in Edmonton. A quilty pleasure and it was FABULOUS! when was the last time you...........went to live theatre/play?
  • ran 3 after work! when was the last time you... told your parents you love them?
  • mmmmm I love Ancient Grains bread. with almond butter melted allover it. You can even get Ancient grains bagels and wraps! ssooo good:happy:
  • :happy: Your arms are looking more toned already too! Keep it Up!!:flowerforyou:
  • at least you didn't take it back to the store and have them give you a funny look when you said how you were wearing it!:laugh: trust me I've done stupider! (for example I don't think 'stupider' is even a proper word!:smile: )
  • Welcome! I agree with you-the way I look at it, losing weight is a side effect of being healthy! Also I have to say you are very beautiful! If that is you in your profile you never know nowadays. Mine is of Britney for crying out loud!lol anyway good luck on your continued journey to being the healthiest person you…
  • I have heard that soy is not good for you but I've never really known why. Is it because of the hormones?
  • :happy: I agree with what has been previously posted-take it slow and easy. and you know what? in the end if it ends up that you will not be able to run, there will be other 5k's and don't worry about it. Its better to take the time now and heal then run too early and have an issue with it for good. I'm not saying don't…
  • :tongue: OMG I was so happy to log in today and see the title of this post! I can't WAIT for the new movie! I have the countdown widget on my computer at work and at home! Go to and get it!
  • :smile: will definetly be making this soon!
  • sunkist makes delicious chewable vitamin C. they have a cherry flavor that tastes great!
  • thought of another one. plain old chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies dipped in ice cold milk. to die for (Barbra Striesand voice):bigsmile:
  • peanut butter m&ms in hot buttered popcorn. OMFG it is so good. Chocolaty,peanutbuttery salty buttery arterycloggingly good! that and Dairy Queen Blizzards. any flavor. this thread is making me hungry for bad stuff!:mad: :blushing:
  • I would add a calcium/magnesium and depending on your climate I would add a vitamin D. both are inexpensive.
  • watch this!
  • Billy Jean by MJ has the perfect running warmup beat. and that Shorty Fire Burnin' on the dancefloor song I just go nuts when I hear it-its perfect for running I just love the upbeat sound! That and the new BEP whole album is excellent. Tonights gonna be a good night is such as upbeat song to run to! check out the youtube…
  • I swear by AGAVE NECTAR! I capitilize because it is soo good!
  • I've never posted a link here before so I hope this works. if not, go to for info! you should be able to buy them at a locall Runners Soul or Running Room.