bpg79 Member


  • GW: 201.2 SW:209.2 Week 1: 207.2 ( -2 lbs) I hope I can keep up with this momentum. Good work everyone!
  • SW:209.2 GW: 201.2 I would love to lose more then 8 lbs this month so that I am finally out of the 200's. :) Good luck everyone!
  • I have been increasing my cardio by starting a running program and taking up spin, but for a challenge it might be nice to something for core training as i think it is often ignored or forgotten. I try to do the plank every night and each week i try to hold it a little bit longer. Just an idea :)
  • Hi Everyone, my name is Betsy and I am hopeful that I will be able to get out of the 200's before Christmas :) Good luck to everyone! SW: 209.2 GW: 189
  • Welcome! I'll friend you and help keep you motivated through your journey.
  • my pushups are getting better i hope to be able to do the two sets without having to switch to modified.
    in Day 5 Comment by bpg79 May 2012
  • Day 2 done and feeling great!
    in Day 2! Comment by bpg79 May 2012
  • Thanks! I will give that a try tonight, I think the tennis ball might hit the spot perfectly. :)
    in Sore Back Comment by bpg79 May 2012
  • I love pugs! My little guy make me smile even on a bad day!!! My back pain is in the upper mid/right part of my back around the shoulder blade and near the spine. I never feel like I get a stretch in the middle.
    in Sore Back Comment by bpg79 May 2012
  • Just finished day 1 and it felt great. I was able to do a few regular push-ups but had to switch to modified push-ups as it was bothering my back. Might do some extra stretching so i'm in fine form for day 2 tomorrow. :)
    in Day 1! Comment by bpg79 May 2012
  • I am also planning on doing it every day but will see how this week goes and if need be will switch to an alternating day basis.
  • After reading the previous posts I see that each level is 10 days. Is it meant to be done on alternating days so not to over work the muscles or consecutiven days?
  • Hi I'm Betsy and I have also tried the 30DS but was never able to complete it for various reasons. I am hoping that being part of this group will give me the motivation I need to stick with it and lose the weight and inches I want before June. :)