

  • Several reasons: Water weight (held from not drinking enough or consumption of excess sodium) Weight of food consumed Weight from waste Muscle gained from strength training If the scale goes up on me, it just makes my focus increase on eating properly and working out harder that day.
  • Contrary to what the infomercials suggest there is no such thing as spot reduction. Fat is lost throughout the body in a pattern dependent upon genetics, sex (hormones), and age. Overall body fat must be reduced to lose fat in any particular area. Although fat is lost or gained throughout the body it seems the first area…
  • I saw there was a study done where they would blindfold people while eating and they would consume a significantly smaller amount than when they could see the food. We have a tendency to stop eating when we finish our plates rather than when we're full.
  • Mayo Clinic - #1 Endocrine (hormone) Disorders Hospital in the United States has this to say about the HCG (hormone) diet: Question HCG diet: Is it safe and effective? Does the HCG diet work — and is it safe? Answer from Jennifer K. Nelson, M.S., R.D., L.D. Because the HCG diet combines injections or supplements of the HCG…
  • Eat a well balanced and nutritious meal before you go to the movies. Take water into the movie with you to prevent you from snacking. It seems like you're associating watching a movie with eating food. It's great that you've identified one of the triggers that makes you consume food. How do you know you'll be hungry? Eat…
  • Here are a few FREE rewards that are still going on for me... 1) 95% of my back pain is GONE! 2) I can run around and play with my nieces and nephew! 3) I can walk up my stairs without being winded 4) Longer life to spend with loved ones 5) My dogs ( are happier because we go on more walks!…
  • Thanks! I breed and raise Siberian Huskies! My website is if you wanna check it out.
  • We are all here to support each other. I am going through the weight loss journey with you and everyone else here because I've allowed my health to slide by taking it for granted for the past several years. Before you choose to put hormones or chemicals in your body and follow a fad diet, please read this ENTIRE article…
  • I'm not on any gimmick diet (South Beach, Primal Blue Print, Atkins, HCG, etc...) I don't purchase any snake oil (Alli, Xenedrine, or Hoodia, etc...) I get as close as I can every day to every calorie, macronutruient and micronutrient listed on MFP. I purchased a digital food scale that I use to weigh EVERYTHING I eat. I…
  • I budget my calories and nutrients for a spoonful of peanut butter before I go to bed. This satisfies my late night cravings and prevents me from getting up out of bed and snacking! :blushing: Good luck!
  • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Confucius This applies literally and figuratively to what we're trying to accomplish together here!
  • My favorite foods at the end of the day are: 1) Planter's Black Label - Santa Fe Cashews & Almonds 2) Peanut butter on a spoon 3) Cottage cheese All of these foods are calorie dense, nutrient rich, and keep me from snacking in the middle of the night! :wink:
  • Thanks for the input, please continue! My entire day is focused on balancing all of my daily requirements from 1) I eat cheese to meet my fats for the day 2) I eat the potatoes to make my levels of potassium required. I love the perspective, please keep sharing!