Starting today the 1st day to a new me.

Hello everyone! I am just finally going to e starting to use this site more for the amazing support you seem to offer and am going to be working on my log through here ( ). Please feel free to give me any advice or anything you may have to help me along the way! Look forward to chatting with you all soon! XOXO April.


  • caldwellchris
    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Confucius

    This applies literally and figuratively to what we're trying to accomplish together here!
  • Breathe_Glamour
    Welcome @beautifulmess (I love that name)!

    I look forward to reading your blog about your successes & I hope you find the same support system I have on MFP.

    The people here are so wonderful! Everyone is a wealth of knowledge - I can't think of one question you'd have that hasn't been asked & thoroughly answered lol.

    Good luck in your future weight loss :)
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It is a great site for support. We all had to pick a first day to start, so what better day than today?
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: Yes,welcome to this wonderful site! Good luck on your journey and enjoy!! :bigsmile: