

  • I would need to see your food log for the last week. Generally you gain weight slowly like a pound or .5 pounds per day. 3 pounds in a day sounds like water retention.
  • Never workout on a full stomach, your body is working to digest and trying to workout. I learned my lesson during football camp, it is better top be hungry than sick. I eat directly after I work out. I do crossfit from 6-7 AM.
  • Same here, I just try to not feel guilty when I give in, Also it has helped me to keep track of the food I eat and make sure when I go off track that I get back on ASAP. It helped when I actually admitted I was addicted to food. Which sounds stupid, but I think when something serves a function in your life other than its…
  • there is a great C25K app for android that walks you through the weeks and even has a timer built in it. Awesome App. gonna use it tommorrow.
  • TY, guys. I love it. My body hurts everyday and I want to puke by the end of the workout, but I love it.
  • My wife and I are going to start it again. We tried it about 4 months ago, but she hurt her leg and had to quit.