

  • My hubby and I got married on the semi-cheap, and we loved our wedding. The bridesmaids got their dresses from a website for $60, and I found a cheap wedding dress from a small boutique that sold mostly prom dresses. If cash is really short, definately check out Goodwill and freecycle.
  • Skinny cow fudge cones :love: !! They are 150 calories but totally worth it. The ice cream and cone is good, and there is a little piece of delicious chocolate CANDY at the bottom of the cone!!! :heart:
  • Thank you! I used to do Pilates, so maybe I will start that back up.
  • I am on week 6 of he P90X program. I am getting better at all of the execises, except the ones that require balance. I cannot keep my balance on most of the one legged exercises. I thought yoga would help, but no luck :ohwell: Does anybody know of some good moves I can do to improve my balance?
  • If you want more equipment or weights, start by looking at places like rummage sales, Goodwill or Freecycle.org, where you can find decent stuff for cheap or free. My favorite home equipment is just 3 sets of hand weights - 3, 5 and 8 lb. I have a gym membership, but no time, so I recently started working out at home. I…
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