Working out at home

JolandaW Posts: 36 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I'd love to sign up with a gym but because of the current financial crisis, I simply can't afford it. :grumble:

So I've invested in some home gym accesories like a fitness ball, some weights etc..These are great to work out with but I was just wondering what other people use at home, or how everybody else works out as I need some tips! :flowerforyou:


  • JolandaW
    JolandaW Posts: 36 Member
    I'd love to sign up with a gym but because of the current financial crisis, I simply can't afford it. :grumble:

    So I've invested in some home gym accesories like a fitness ball, some weights etc..These are great to work out with but I was just wondering what other people use at home, or how everybody else works out as I need some tips! :flowerforyou:
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    I'd love to sign up with a gym but because of the current financial crisis, I simply can't afford it. :grumble:

    So I've invested in some home gym accesories like a fitness ball, some weights etc..These are great to work out with but I was just wondering what other people use at home, or how everybody else works out as I need some tips! :flowerforyou:

    There were times when I used to do my 15-30 min of exercising at home - crunches, leg raises stuff like that. And was content with it, the only problem being I was less consistent then with a place I payed for.

    Now we have a stationary bike, but it turns out I only use it when I systematically go to aerobic classes at least 2 a week. I hate it! :explode: I shouldn't be lazy, but when it's just there, I keep telling myself "I'll hop on it later".

    So, my strongest advice is, make a schedule! Like, every other day at 9a.m. or 4p.m. or whatever fits in your schedule, you do a bit of training.

    I'd love to hear what the experts around here say about lifting weights and how you can mock that at home. I've no idea and can't afford a gym now either. Aerobics and stuff like that - they are almost for free at the Uni, but weights lifting are a concern to me atm.

    Good luck and stick with it! :flowerforyou:
  • If you want more equipment or weights, start by looking at places like rummage sales, Goodwill or, where you can find decent stuff for cheap or free. My favorite home equipment is just 3 sets of hand weights - 3, 5 and 8 lb.

    I have a gym membership, but no time, so I recently started working out at home. I was recording a couple episodes of different shows on FitTV and doing at least one of them a day. That worked well because I had a schedule but I could mix up the activity however I wanted.

    This week I started the P90X system at home. It is crazy intense, but I lost 4.5 lbs this week.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    In the summer, I walk outside with some handweights and get an excellent workout.

    It sounds like you have been very thorough and given a lot of thought to your dilemma, but here are a couple more tips.

    -- A DVD/video workout: If you have the space, and a dedicated TV available, consider adding this to your routines. You can find videos for about a buck at thrift stores, and it's a good way to build a library to find which ones suit you - not all workout videos are created equal.

    ---resistance bands: these provide some extra 'weight' without investing heavily in IRON, so you can virtually increase your workout weight and have some variety.

    ----look into craigslist or freecycle for people tossing out old treadys, or selling them for ridiculously low prices. I got my tready that way .

    ---Also, when money does allow it, and you're ready to join a gym, in this economy, YOU are in control, and if you do it right, you can get your gym of choice to lower their fees for you, or give you perks and amenities not usually included in the price of a membership. The market is very competitive right now, so it's a 'buyers market' so to speak. Take advantage of it. :happy:
  • I bought a nintendo wii this week and think it is really worth the money as you can workout at home but you have the trainer on the game to motivate you. It weighs you and charts your progress too and its so much fun that you forget that you're exercising!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I can't afford a gym, or the time to get there and back either!
    For exercise, I walk when the weather permits, which it's NOT these days, with all the cold and snow we've been getting! :laugh:
    My other main exercise is dancing to a fast "Oldies" CD almost every day. It's fun, free, never depends on the weather, and I can watch tv too, so I'm never bored! :smile:
  • Freda
    Freda Posts: 15
    I have lost 107 pounds and had gained 20 pounds back. With the help of this site and Walk-Away-The-Pounds with Leslie Sansone I am back down to where I was before. I bounce back and forth from the treadmill to her workouts. She uses weights and resistance bands in her workouts to boost up the workouts. With the right setup and some determination working out at home is so much better. Hope this helps!

  • Annika
    Annika Posts: 55
    If there is a YMCA or YWCA in your town and you can't afford a gym, they can be very accommodating. Also some gyms will give you your membership free if you volunteer for them. If you really would sooner go to the gym, then I think you should go and talk to someone at your local gym...there might be a creative solution!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    also, local hospitals have work out rooms for PT and with the obesity crisis, they are opening their doors to the public for a song and a prayer.

    Some health ins will even pay for it.

    Worth checking out!:flowerforyou:
  • Here are a couple of ideas.

    I am a member of Netflix and my computer is hooked to my TV. So I can get work out videos instantly any time I want w/o buying them or waiting on them to come to my house. But there is more of a selection for the ones they send you so I do both.

    I bought a "trainer" for my bike. Basically you can put your regular bike on it and ride inside. I live in Indiana, so right now is not conducive to riding outside...brrrr.

    We bought a cheap treadmill. It's nothing fancy and doesn't have many features I'd like to have, but it does the job.

    Also, I haven't tried this but you can get a "ropeless" jump rope that has an mp3 player and it counts jumps, calories burned, etc.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Here are a couple of ideas.

    I am a member of Netflix and my computer is hooked to my TV. So I can get work out videos instantly any time I want w/o buying them or waiting on them to come to my house. But there is more of a selection for the ones they send you so I do both.

    I bought a "trainer" for my bike. Basically you can put your regular bike on it and ride inside. I live in Indiana, so right now is not conducive to riding outside...brrrr.

    We bought a cheap treadmill. It's nothing fancy and doesn't have many features I'd like to have, but it does the job.

    Also, I haven't tried this but you can get a "ropeless" jump rope that has an mp3 player and it counts jumps, calories burned, etc.

    OT- Does Netflx have workout dvd's? I asked a friend and she said no. I do not have netflix and was going to join if they had a good selection. Just curious, thanks!
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    I have been working out at home for about three years now and love it! I will admit that some of the equipment can get pricey! I got my barbell set at walmart for like 40bucks(great one time investment) and all my dumbells also came from walmart. Resistance bands i ordered online and got them for like real cheap. And most of my workouts i have ordered online. Some i got at walmar, last year i invested in a golds gym treadmill and love it too. It has taken me over three years to build my 'at home' a poor gal, but If you buy a little at a time it doesn't seem like so much!

    I:heart: my workout toys:happy:

    I love the netflix idea...i also do that. As a matter of fact I just sent back 30day shred by Jillian Micheals...almost flipped when i saw it on there!

    You can also check out workouts at your local library....

    Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    Here are a couple of ideas.

    I am a member of Netflix and my computer is hooked to my TV. So I can get work out videos instantly any time I want w/o buying them or waiting on them to come to my house. But there is more of a selection for the ones they send you so I do both.

    I bought a "trainer" for my bike. Basically you can put your regular bike on it and ride inside. I live in Indiana, so right now is not conducive to riding outside...brrrr.

    We bought a cheap treadmill. It's nothing fancy and doesn't have many features I'd like to have, but it does the job.

    Also, I haven't tried this but you can get a "ropeless" jump rope that has an mp3 player and it counts jumps, calories burned, etc.

    OT- Does Netflx have workout dvd's? I asked a friend and she said no. I do not have netflix and was going to join if they had a good selection. Just curious, thanks!

    Yep,they have alot of workouts....check it out!
  • JolandaW
    JolandaW Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks so much for the ideas guys, this really helps! As for the work out dvd's, which ones are really good?

    I downloaded Billy Blanks's boot camp dvd once but got bored with it really quickly.

    Unfortunately I don't have the room at home for big gym equipment such as an exercise bike or a treadmill, my boyfriend and I live in a relatively small apartment in the city centre of Edinburgh, Scotland. But as for the resistance bands, how well do these work? I was looking at these in a store on the weekend but I haven't got any experience with them so i'm hesitant in buying..

    Thanks again so much guys, I am SO happy I found this site!! :blushing:
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I have a small stationary bike. I had a ball but the kids popped it. I'm thinking about getting the bender ball. I also want an elliptical.
    I'm working on my DVD library, but in the meantime I just watch the shows on TV and do some of those workouts.
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    I too work out in my home. I have done many DVD's...Denise Austin's trim and tone, Biggest Loser , Tae-Bo with B Blanks, Leslie Sansone's WATP, and my latest one is a weighted ball (5 and 8lbs) with Mia Finnigan which helps to tone and build lean muscle. I made a CD of all my fav 70's songs and put it in when I want to boogie! I have stairs that I go up and down and will carry wts to get a better workout. Ropeless jumprope sounds neat too. No need to spend a lot of money...just find a time that you can make for you, and be consistent! The more you exercise, the stronger you get! Our bodies were meant to MOVE! GOOD LUCK!
  • I work out at home too. I do the Turbo Jam videos, and we bought a expensive treadmill back 4 years ago. As you can see I wasted my money cuz I'm still faaat! My mom bought a cheap treadmill that I like just as much as my big one.. I do the treadmill when I get bored or feel I need to change up my routine. I HATE the treadmill though. I have a lot of videos. I just go back and forth between them..

    Oh, and you don't have to have weights. You can use your body as a weight and do tricep dips, and pushups and leg lifts, squats lunges. It works the same if not better!
  • Here are a couple of ideas.

    I am a member of Netflix and my computer is hooked to my TV. So I can get work out videos instantly any time I want w/o buying them or waiting on them to come to my house. But there is more of a selection for the ones they send you so I do both.

    I bought a "trainer" for my bike. Basically you can put your regular bike on it and ride inside. I live in Indiana, so right now is not conducive to riding outside...brrrr.

    We bought a cheap treadmill. It's nothing fancy and doesn't have many features I'd like to have, but it does the job.

    Also, I haven't tried this but you can get a "ropeless" jump rope that has an mp3 player and it counts jumps, calories burned, etc.

    OT- Does Netflx have workout dvd's? I asked a friend and she said no. I do not have netflix and was going to join if they had a good selection. Just curious, thanks!
  • Here are a couple of ideas.

    I am a member of Netflix and my computer is hooked to my TV. So I can get work out videos instantly any time I want w/o buying them or waiting on them to come to my house. But there is more of a selection for the ones they send you so I do both.

    I bought a "trainer" for my bike. Basically you can put your regular bike on it and ride inside. I live in Indiana, so right now is not conducive to riding outside...brrrr.

    We bought a cheap treadmill. It's nothing fancy and doesn't have many features I'd like to have, but it does the job.

    Also, I haven't tried this but you can get a "ropeless" jump rope that has an mp3 player and it counts jumps, calories burned, etc.

    OT- Does Netflx have workout dvd's? I asked a friend and she said no. I do not have netflix and was going to join if they had a good selection. Just curious, thanks!

    Most definitely! you have to look under Sports and Fitness. I got Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred from there and have had it about 2 wks (got it in the mail). And like I said, you can watch some instantly. I have 3 other Jillian Michaels saved in my favorites. I also have 6 different Crunch Workouts and 10 Minute Solution Workouts. I have gotten the Dancing With the Stars Workout sent to me too.
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199 has a bunch of DVD's that you can purchase. They have a wide variety of difficulty level and length of workout. You should be able to find one that meets what you are looking for. I did P90X and it worked very well, but it is quite advanced and the workouts are almost an hour. Check them out, they definately work if you use them on a regular basis.
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