freesoul Member


  • don't care...if you are looking that closely at my butt, I should be flattered, probs- but you're a perv.
  • Ok, then: what really qualifies as "struggling with your weight"? The heaviest I've been is a size 10- I'm very short so for my height that is overweight, about 15 lbs above the maximum on the charts, but it's not obese. The slimmest I've been is a size 1- not quite anorexic, but people were concerned. In average though,…
  • PS: I dont log my exercise calories- at all. So I am not "eating them back" or anything. And I might be under-estimating or something, because I don't use a scale...I use a cup so measures are approximate. My family would freak if they saw me weight my food...long story short, it would kinda be a red flag for issues, as…
  • Thank you all for your feed back!!! Sorry about this late response- I had to double shift these couple days, no time... I will take your advice into consideration and try to be patient. What do people think is a good calorie intake to aim for, for someone that is 5 feet tall and 135 lbs? Some of you suggested that 1200…
  • Yes, Charlie, I am using measuring cups- can't afford a scale right now, but I try to over-estimate a little as safeguard. It's true that I lost some...I guess I need reassurance...this is super SLOW compared to results before (on very disordered patterns!) and I have a hard time trusting it, esp when the scale hasn't…
  • My workouts are run/walks- currently 15 min jog/30 min walking, in sets of 2-3 running intervals. I try to add a few min every week to my goal of 30 min running. I was sick for a couple years and lost a lot of ground fitness-wise, so this is what I can do for now. I am thinking of adding yoga once or twice a week. I put on…
  • Please add me- anyone! I comment and like posts often and will help with advice and motivation :)
  • Wow!!! Thanks so much!!! Lots of good suggestions here. I understand the concern about not eating enough- don't worry too much, the low cal limit is more of an alarm than something I am trying to reach, I only worry about net cals (not before exercise-typically an extra 300 cals a day walking) and also I'm really short at…
  • I work in a group home and we are expected to eat with the clients because it builds community. The meals are very healthy and there are plenty of good snacks like fruit,yogurt, nuts etc.... And I eat these things and drink a glass of water and then still binge!!! I'm not hungry I just want it...I even tried drinking tea…
  • Hello there, I am 39, five feet tall, no kids at home, have about 25 lbs to lose...ideally. I am running a little, 20 min or so almost every day. Add me! I need people...
  • In terms of nutritious meals: soups and salads, especially the ones with a small amount of protein to make them more filling, such as meat or beans in soup or chicken breast, nuts or low fat cheese for salad. Just make sure that you only use milk and a thickener such as flour for "cream" soup, or low cal dressing for…
  • Yes, I think that the problem is, I'm taking too much of a "cold turkey" approach...I am used to eating ANYTHING I want, its a wonder I'm not 300 lbs, I've clocked in at 3,000 cals a day but then I used to be very active in sports, which I now don't have time or energy for...and I didn't change my way of eating, old habits…
  • thanks to everyone who added me! anyone else? I love commenting and receiving comments!
  • Hey...C25k, run 30 seconds walk 2 minutes- is how I started. And I ran a marathon last year- and 2 half marathons as well. We all have to start somewhere!
  • You ARE doing backwards! There are some studies that show that stretching before a work out can result in more injuries, not less. It does help with muscle soreness and staying limber if you stretch AFTER, however. As for warming up- just walk very fast or run very slow at first for a few minutes; that is called an active…
  • Please add me...I need friends. I am 5'1 and need to lose 15 lbs and get fit