LShandR Member


  • I agree that buying in bulk is the best way to go. I buy Fage greek yogurt (it's the only kind that I like lol), so I end up spending $2 per container, or I can get a package of 15 from BJ's for $10! EVERY penny counts. And recently I've made the switch to Yoplait because I've fallen in "like" with their 99% fat free…
  • I add a hard-boiled egg or a couple scoops of lentils. Lentils are my new favorite source lol. Or boneless skinless organic chicken breast.
  • That's great to hear that you've taken the next step and you're taking it in strides. Losing the weight the right way is how we get it to stay off :) Keep us posted. I'll send you a friend invite!!! :D Happy Thursday!
  • I'm a very light sleeper and I find it difficult to sleep when the seasons change. I've taken Melatonin for years, it's great on those nights when you feel that you may be restless. Melatonin is safe you can find it in your vitamin isle. Usually they are in 1mg-5mg capsules. Start with 1mg and go from there. Melatonin is…
  • Congrats, that's great! I know that looking at that BMI score is like seeing your credit score when it's not too good. It makes you feel like you're in a completely different class and when you move up it's not about what others think it's how you feel inside. I'm happy for you! :) TGIF!!
  • Thanks, same to you!!! (:
  • I knew I'd get one of these!! ;) Haha. Thanks, and congrats on the 58lbs!!!
  • Could be muscle?