penny38_1999 Member


  • Im not sure what your day consists of, but ill tell you mine and what i do. I have a 32oz container i bought at walmart with a sippie type top. I filled it with ice and water and set it on my desk beside me and just keep taking a drink every few mins until its gone, then fill it back up to get my other 32 oz in before I…
    in Water Comment by penny38_1999 May 2010
  • This is just what I needed to read tonight, i have been having to many of these nites lately, and i feel myself slipping again at this weight loss. I join MFP in Dec 08, lost 24 pounds and then started slipping In May of 09, i gained the 24 pounds back,and tried to get back on track, but just couldnt seem too, So here i am…
  • i walk on my half hour lunch
  • turkey chop suey with wheat pasta, stewed tom and some salsa, onion and green pepper
  • Hi Pink Lady, speaking of berries, every morning i make my oatmeal (quick cook) not instant. 1 Cup Water 1/2 cup oatmeal Microwave for 2 mins Add 1/4 Skim Milk 1 cup of mixed berries ( i heat and thaw these also in the microwave) mix that into oatmeal with some splenda The whole thing has 250 Calories and gives you lots of…
  • That is your preception of yourself, looking at your picture, i dont think that for sure, but will say your statement is very complex, are you an engineer?
  • 2 oz of pasta equals one cup of cooked pasta
  • Can anyone instruct me on what the 30 day shred is???? where do i get it, where do i follow it, help, ive lost 20lbs and i have slowed down and i would like to kick things up, can you help me with what it is, and where to find it? thanks
  • There could be several reasons why. First off, do you know if you have a thyroid problem? second are you measuring your food? i know its easy to say, that looks like 4 oz or that looks like half of a cup. when it really ends up to be more. I know i cant go without meausuring my food. If i understood you correctly on your…
  • I also dont agree. They are getting the chance of a life time to change their health and there ways. Of course its filled with 8 hours of excerise, but we dont see alot of what is going on, learning to eat right, cook right, and giving and getting the support they need. And remember its a show, and its a ranch, they are…
  • if you want to get more fiber in you diet, try butter beans, and splash on the hot sauce on them, they are delicous! and hot sauce boosts your metabolism. makes you drink more water, and that is also good for boosting your metabolism. Im a hot sauce junkie, there isnt much i dont try it on.
  • Hi Sidney I did the very same thing on Tuesday nite, i was so mad at myself on Wednesday that i said i would work out and walk an extra 30 mins on the treadmill that night i got home, and i walked that morning also. That was punishment for me, because i have all i can do is walk to begin with. I did it and I felt so good…
  • I guess im one of the lucky one here. My husband has been my inspriation in helping me and got me to go walking with him. What i would do is exercise that day and gain a few more calories you are allowed to have when you do that. Walking 30 mins even at 2 mph will give you 151 extra calories!! i love that, yesterday i…
  • I guess im one of the lucky one here. My husband has been my inspriation in helping me and got me to go walking with him. What i would do is exercise that day and gain a few more calories you are allowed to have when you do that. Walking 30 mins even at 2 mph will give you 151 extra calories!! i love that, yesterday i…
  • THank you MA Jackson, welcome also!! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Hi Jersey Well, im new also, but i just learned how to put my ticker in here so i can see my progress in losing weight. If you want to know how to do that, let me know, ill explain it to you. and Welcome to the site Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Created by - Free Food Diary[/url Every time you want to blog, so you have to paste it in yourself???
  • THank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Kwick!!! it worked Yahoo!!!
  • Created by - Free Food Diary i hope this works this time
  • can you tell me how to put my ticker in my blogs or this blog, I copied it from where I made it, I pasted it in here, but it didnt come up
  • Thank you so much. I know what you mean about the keeping you honest and opened my eyes to the real portion and exactly what im eating for calories. Thank you for your support, im excited to keep going.[/img][/url] Created by - Free Calorie…
  • Just found this website today. I have been looking for something that would fit into what I'm trying to accomplish. I have been on every diet and been logged into lots of pay sites. This is the only one I have found to be easy to do, and has got so many of the foods I eat. They have made it so easy to use. My hope is I…