madmegan Member


  • I am by no means a running expert. I just know that personally I've never had sore abs after a run. I've gotten stitches in my side at times and even those didn't result in a sore stomach. I wonder if you are tensing up when you run? One of my friends taught me to relax when I started and made me unclench my fists. I don't…
  • I have found that if I am eating the same things all the time that I eat less.I think that there was just a study posted that found that to be a fact. I'm losing weight quickly though and I think that it is partly because I am eating my calories. If you don't then your body will start holding on to everything you eat and…
  • I would be very careful what you do with weight loss while BF. I started to count my calories and I cut back and my supply started to dwindle. Pay close attention to your supply. Worry about your baby being healthy. It may mean that you have to wait a little longer to start back on your weight loss journey but if you are…
  • I don't because I do that every day. I would only log it if it isn't something that I don't normally do...
  • I like Almond Butter. It tastes different because it is of course. =P If you like almonds then I am sure that you would like it also though. I don't really think that any nut butters are lower in calories than any of the others though. I miss both now. I don't eat them because they are just too high in calories for me to…
  • I have done the same thing in the past! I eat something bad and then I tell myself that I already messed up so I might as well just go for it completely. I have a group of friends now and we are doing our own biggest loser couples challenge. The group has really helped me FINALLY stick to it. For us there are 3 rules: 1.…
  • I make eggs and a slice of cheese on an English muffin. Prep 2 eggs in a microwave safe bowl the night before with garlic salt, pepper or whatever you like. Microwave for 1-1.5 minutes while you toast the muffin in the morning. Throw a slice of reduced fat cheese on there and it's even portable! Hope this helps =)
  • I am breastfeeding too. I added it in as an exercise. I end up spending about 2 hours a day nursing overall and I put that down as 500 calories. I think that way as I start weaning I can cut the time down and it will adjust the calories. All my weight and figures put me at 1380 calories but then adding that in gives me…