Running question

I have never been a runner untill I started my weight loss journey back in May. So I'm still learning how my body responds to it and was wondering if this is normal or am I doing it wrong. So here it is. I have been pushing myself to do more the past two weeks and am working up to running a 5k. After this mornings run I literally feel like I had a full ab workout. My abs are so sore. Is this normal or do I need to do something differant?


  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    running will cause you to engage lots of different muscles, including your core. Take your time, listen to your body, and enjoy. Running is a great calorie burn and stress reliever. Good luck!:flowerforyou:

    (if you don't have a program to follow, I really recommend Couch to 5K. Nice gradual increase to your running. If you are already past what they suggest for week 1, start at a later week.)
  • ea1977
    ea1977 Posts: 3 Member
    This is pretty normal. I started in February with running and i was in dire straights training for my first 5k. I could barely run across the street without getting winded. Now I'm working towards my 6th 5k this year. Remember when you run your abs are consistently contracting so you're going to feel a bit of pain. The good pain that is. If it's sharp shooting pains just take it a little easier. I found that just being persistent with running pays off and before you know it you'll be running farther and faster.

    And remember to have rest days. Running is the most efficient way to work out to lose weight but it is taxing on your body so you need a day here and there to let your body recuperate. Good luck in the 5k!!
  • I am currantly on week 6 of that plan. : )
  • madmegan
    madmegan Posts: 8 Member
    I am by no means a running expert. I just know that personally I've never had sore abs after a run. I've gotten stitches in my side at times and even those didn't result in a sore stomach. I wonder if you are tensing up when you run? One of my friends taught me to relax when I started and made me unclench my fists. I don't know if that would help or if you are even doing that but it's all I can think of... Good luck!
  • I have never been a runner untill I started my weight loss journey back in May. So I'm still learning how my body responds to it and was wondering if this is normal or am I doing it wrong. So here it is. I have been pushing myself to do more the past two weeks and am working up to running a 5k. After this mornings run I literally feel like I had a full ab workout. My abs are so sore. Is this normal or do I need to do something differant?

    I'm a runner and I don't believe my abs have ever been sore from running. I do know that running works everything just about but never sore on my abs. Shoot does this mean I'm doing something wrong???
  • cono0507
    cono0507 Posts: 10 Member
    This happens to me after long runs. I'm still newer to running, but I've found this to be a great perk to running - my abs toned up a bit and I hadn't specifically worked on them. The running did it. Enjoy! :)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I've sometimes had pain on the sides of my abs as I near the end of a run. I think that's a sign of dehydration. Make sure you drink enough water the 24 hours before running.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    It is normal as far as I know. And a great perk to running - my abs toned up a bit and I hadn't specifically worked on them. The running did it. Enjoy! :)

    Same here, I can feel and see it in my abs, it's soreness as if I've worked them and not a feeling as though I've strained them. I guess has different running styles and I figure the more I can feel it the better :)
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    I've never had abs that sore after running. When I started I made an effort to have my abs contracted so I was more upright because I just thought that's how it's done. Then I realized that I wasn't able to get full breaths of air and I would get side aches. So now I relax my abs and make sure I'm breathing fully from the belly. I'm not sure if that's what you're doing or not, but I thought I would share.