
katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so i know ive gotten some ideas for breakfast however, i HATE breakfast... i drink my coffee and then i end up eating a snack arond 10 or lunch later on.... I skip breakfast cause i really cant stand it, i dont know why... unless its Hormel Maple thck cuut bacon! :) and pancakes and french toast, haha oops cant really eat much of that all the time though!

So i need breakfast ideas, but not weird ones and not things that wold make a first time tryier of things cringe, like "greek yogurt" the sond of it makes me think YUCK! or cotttage cheese..... ewwww

Anything easy and good and yummy? Thanks!!!


  • madmegan
    madmegan Posts: 8 Member
    I make eggs and a slice of cheese on an English muffin. Prep 2 eggs in a microwave safe bowl the night before with garlic salt, pepper or whatever you like. Microwave for 1-1.5 minutes while you toast the muffin in the morning. Throw a slice of reduced fat cheese on there and it's even portable! Hope this helps =)
  • Easiest thing out there is cereal and milk, or a cereal bar - Special K bars are pretty good.

    This time of year, I like to pour milk over shredded wheat or grape-nuts and heat it up in the microwave. Add a touch of sweetener of your choice. I prefer real sugar or honey, but if you add them, do it after heating.
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148

    I hated breakfast too but it's important to start your mentabilism as early as you can in the day to help lose weight.
    I go with a small bowl of cerials in the morning or some fruit, cerial wise special K works for me just seems to go down easier then branflakes.

    Maybe some ideas for you would be some fruit that you like.

    James x
  • Maybe you can try toast. I just bought Nickles light whole grain bread, 70 calories for 2 slices and use a light butter. Also, I usually have a light yogurt. Try a clementine orange and some other fruit. Or, you can scramble egg whites without the yolk, if you like eggs. Just some ideas. Good luck!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Thanks guys, i know its important to eat early so it gets me frstrated, but i guess ill have to try some small things liek these... the cereal, maybe special k, or the cereal bar... or i guess its okay to just eat my fruit? The english mffin sandwich sounds good too!
  • plain old fashioned oatmeal. I eat mine plain. When I first started eating it, I hated it. It still tastes like paper (which isn't that bad lol). My friends suggested that I use agave nectar to sweeten it. I haven't tried that yet because I don't want any sugar, but ya know. And always EGGS! mix it up, add some bell peppers, some cheese, some chives
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Anything would be better then what you are doing now. Just consume some calories so your body doesn't think your trying to starve it. If you hate breakfast what about a half of a sandwich and an apple or some grapes.
    You don't need to consume a ton of calories, but you do need to eat something. Their is nothing magical about breakfast food, but your body will probably respond better if you eat 5 small meals a day, every 3 to 4 hours.

    Good Luck
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I'm with you--I don't want breakfast unless I have the time to prepare it properly--homemade pancakes and waffles, muffins, etc. Noting that really fits into my diet on a regular basis (and nothing that doesn't take a few hours to prepare, putting me more in the 'brunch' area.

    I've been doing string cheese or a little cup of strawberry applesauce--both are super easy to grab (I leave my house at 5 am) and bring with you anywhere, under 100 calories but enough (hopefully) to give my metabolism a jump start.
  • Hi

    I hated breakfast too but it's important to start your mentabilism as early as you can in the day to help lose weight.
    I go with a small bowl of cerials in the morning or some fruit, cerial wise special K works for me just seems to go down easier then branflakes.

    Maybe some ideas for you would be some fruit that you like.

    James x

    Why without the yolk? I usually only eat eggwhites in my eggs, but someone one here the other day told me I should eat the whole egg inlcuding yolk. I know it's a big debate with eating yolks.
  • I recently started a nutrition program through my gym. I have struggled with weight since I was 14 (I'm 25 now), and recently gained 10 lbs because after years of not feeding my body what it needs, my metabolism basically gave up. I asked the owner of my gym and she said to try a substantial breakfast, and eat often throughout the day (which I'm sure we all know). She also gave me the suggestion of eating something in the morning (cereal or eggs) and then another breakfast 3 hrs later. That way you don't have to have a massive breakfast, but it will get your metabolism going and you will probably actually be hungry in 3 hrs if you stick with that plan. I shoot for a 200-300 calorie breakfast, and another 100-200 calorie snack 3 hrs later. I do the same with lunch.
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