

  • I am new at this--and I have found that counting calories is easy enough--but I tend to go over on fat, carbs, and protein. Another problem is I work in a restaurant--so on my days off, I do really well, but at work it's--ugly! I started a system where I eat only 300 calories before work, so I am free to snack all day--but…
  • I agree with everybody else. I would even take it a step further and tell your kids if they don't eat what you make, you'll "send them to bed without supper" like in the 1940's. It will be healthier for them in the long run. My Mom can eat whatever she wants and not gain a pound. I used to think I was like that till I hit…
  • Thanks!
  • I've noticed the past two days through my food diary, that I surpassed my Protein goal. What will that do? My calorie, fat and carbs are either under or at par, so should I worry about the protein thing?
  • Im going to say resist the binge! But maybe allow yourself one of your favorites included in a healthy meal!
  • This is my second day on the site and I'm very excited. It's also a good time to start a diet because I have horrible indigestion from the holidays :-( TMI?
  • thanks for the info. I am just starting my diet and oil is among one of the many things I'm going to miss!