New Years Eve... An Excuse to Binge?

ellelit Posts: 806 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm just wondering if anyone else finds this? tomorrow is a clean slate, fresh beginning and new start to the new me! but i am fighting hard the temptatin to eat my face off because i know i will be eating alot more healthfully starting tomorrow. does anyone else have a "last supper" planned for tonight?:noway: ?


  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    I'm just wondering if anyone else finds this? tomorrow is a clean slate, fresh beginning and new start to the new me! but i am fighting hard the temptatin to eat my face off because i know i will be eating alot more healthfully starting tomorrow. does anyone else have a "last supper" planned for tonight?:noway: ?
  • I thought that myself and then I asked " One night worth 1 pound?" that answered my question but I'm with you i want to bing sooooooooooo bad... but why wait till next year to be healthy
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    binging one night often leads to continuing the binge into the next day for many folks...... not worth it in opinion:noway: :wink:
    STACYESPARZA Posts: 308 Member
    I agree fitness Chick because after Xmas I am really having a hard time staying on target....
    and there are still goodies everywhere and I acquired a couple pounds from it too...
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    considering that most of us won't stop our binge at midnight - in fact, a lot of us will escalate it - it's not exactly starting the year on a clean slate.

    that said, i know i'm going to eat, drink and be merry tonight... and tomorrow night... and the next night. but i've been doing that all month without gaining a pound.

    guess it's a matter of how much your body - and your self-esteem - can take.

    good luck, whatever you do.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    binging one night often leads to continuing the binge into the next day for many folks...... not worth it in opinion:noway: :wink:

    For some people a single binge is no big deal. They have the ability to cut loose for a night and then climb right back in the wagon and continue on. For others a single binge sets off a cascade that once started is very difficult to stop.


    Based on your posts for the last year I would say that you fall into the latter category. Don't see tonight as the "one last binge".....instead try to see is as an early jump on the new year. If you can be strong through a night that is traditionally accepted for excess then for the rest of the year you can say

    "if I didn't binge on New Years Eve when everyone else was doing it, I can certainly control myself today".

    Imagine the self-esteem boost you would get to be able to say that you didn't binge tonight :happy:

    That's my plan for tonight anyway.....
  • DH boiugh tickets to a dinner/dance type thing last month before I decided to be healthy LOL. I think I am just going to have a little of everything and not eat my weight in seafood newberg like I want to lol.
  • I understand the urge completely! It's tempting. Just try to be reasonable about your calories during the day. If you're going out for dinner or drinks with friends, you may want to eat something healthy ahead of time so that you can taste all of the foods you want (and stop there) so you don't feel like you're depriving yourself, but you will eat a lot less calories. Then with drinks, just make sure you drink wine or have no-calorie mixers. There are some days when you have to just relax a little and have fun. I do agree with yellow_pepper, though, in that if you totally binge tonight, it'll be hard to stop.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I decided that tonight I want PIZZA. So guess what, I'm having PIZZA. :love:

    I entered in the calories that it would be for 3 slices (all I can generally stomach) and I planned out the rest of my meals accordingly. I don't drink so that helps. :ohwell: But! I made sure I was well within my limit and with my exercise today I will come in about 100 cals under.

    So don't Binge, Budget!
  • Im going to say resist the binge! But maybe allow yourself one of your favorites included in a healthy meal!
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I decided that tonight I want PIZZA. So guess what, I'm having PIZZA. :love:

    I entered in the calories that it would be for 3 slices (all I can generally stomach) and I planned out the rest of my meals accordingly. I don't drink so that helps. :ohwell: But! I made sure I was well within my limit and with my exercise today I will come in about 100 cals under.

    So don't Binge, Budget!

    We had pizza to! only 2 slices for me because I wanted a corona!

    Elle, Don't binge, it will only leave you feeling empty emotionally. Tomorrow is a new day and a new year. Think of how good you will feel when you wake up and know that you didn't binge today.
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    binging one night often leads to continuing the binge into the next day for many folks...... not worth it in opinion:noway: :wink:


    Based on your posts for the last year I would say that you fall into the latter category. Don't see tonight as the "one last binge".....instead try to see is as an early jump on the new year. If you can be strong through a night that is traditionally accepted for excess then for the rest of the year you can say

    "if I didn't binge on New Years Eve when everyone else was doing it, I can certainly control myself today".

    Imagine the self-esteem boost you would get to be able to say that you didn't binge tonight :happy:

    That's my plan for tonight anyway.....

    I agree, well said. :flowerforyou:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    I agree with the others who say it's not worth the binge. Allow some good foods that you might not ordinarily have (if you can), but don't overdo.

    I know I would hate myself the next morning if I binged, and that is not worth the few hours of pleasure..

    Good luck.. jb
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I know I would hate myself the next morning if I binged, and that is not worth the few hours of pleasure..

    Yes, in addition - you tend to actually feel gross after bingeing. At least I do. When your body is used to healthy foods in healthy portions and then you haul off and torture it with crappola, it rebels, making you feel miserable physically as well as emotionally. :frown:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I decided that tonight I want PIZZA. So guess what, I'm having PIZZA. :love:

    I entered in the calories that it would be for 3 slices (all I can generally stomach) and I planned out the rest of my meals accordingly. I don't drink so that helps. :ohwell: But! I made sure I was well within my limit and with my exercise today I will come in about 100 cals under.

    So don't Binge, Budget!

    I couldnt agree more. You can't deny yourself everything but it doesnt mean you have to go off the deep end. Just plan ahead. New years eve is traditionally chinese food in our house and I was NOT going to eat some brocolli and call it a day. Ate half of my General Tao's chicken, a couple of beef teriyaki and some brown rice. (Man am I full.) And I will be damned if I am not going to share a toast of champage at midnight with my wife... But two sensible meals ealier today couple with 45 mins of busting my but on the elliptical at the gym with a splash of strength training puts me in about 100-200 calories below my goal. It's a balance and you definatley have to be in the right place in your journey to keep it from turning into a snowball. So feel free to eat some of the things you like tonight but don't go nuts. Remember skinny people enjoy new years too, they just don't dont eat until they get dizzy.
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