badtheory Member


  • I'm 5'2", currently about 99lb. I think i looked better when I was around 106lb. right now i'm trying to figure out how i could put on a few lbs in a healthy way, and how to be psychologically prepared for that. in the past, i've only ever lost weight, so it's pretty scary to imagine gaining weight.
  • absolutely! when i was in my teens, i was carrying an extra 20lbs, and i ALWAYS claimed to be chubby because of my "slow metabolism." After I starting working (cardio AND strength training,) I realized that my "slow metabolism" was actually just no muscle.
  • Can I just say that I chuckled out loud when i read this? About you drinking more vodka, teeheehee... you're right, it DID sound bad. But i know what you mean.
  • hello! i'm 22, university student. i'm 5'2, around 100lb. a little underweight, i know. :( I eat around 1300 cal a day, exercise every day. i use MFP to keep track of my protein/carb/fat intake. i'm celiac and not much of a meat-eater, so i often have problems with vitamin deficiencies, and logging my food really helps to…
  • 22, just finishing up my undergraduate degrees and heading off to grad school next fall. i'm not trying to lose weight right now, just kinda maintaining. sometimes it's hard balancing school and health, so it's great that there are supportive communities like this one.
  • I'm 5'2, 22 years and around 100 lb, though for most of my undergraduate degree, i was closer to your weight, around 113. i lost a bit of weight recently due to stress and diet change, since i found out I'm celiac and cannot eat gluten. :( i'm new to the site and also looking for pals, though, so feel free to add if you…
  • i'm 5"2, small frame but very active. my normal weight is around 110, and i certainly did not look sickly or anorexic at that weight. i looked healthy. i'm underweight at the moment and i still wouldn't describe myself as "sickly." wiry, perhaps.
  • eck, i TOTALLY sympathize. I'm a bit of a health nut too and i get flack for it all the time. to make matters worse, i recently found out I have celiac disease, so I can't have any foods that contain gluten (no bread, no pasta, virtually nothing processed, because wheat proteins gets thrown into most foods during the…
  • i'm 5"2, 99-100 lb. technically a little underweight. i didn't exactly intend to become underweight, but i tend to be obsessive about food choices, especially when i'm stressed out :(
  • try weighing yourself consistently at the same time. ie: only weigh yourself first thing when you get up in the morning. it's pretty normal to fluctuate up to 3 lb throughout the day.
  • 5'2, 101-102 lb. bust: 27.5 waist: 24 hips: 33 thigh: 19