

  • This is pretty much true for me, as well. :smile:
  • No I don't do measurements-but you're right, perhaps I should concentrate on inches not lbs.. the scale is just easier to do at the gym. :smile: Thanks!
  • I commute 45 mins to an hour commute one way, usually home by 7 pm. I just have found that I enjoy cooking, so I have plenty of 30 min meals to make when I get home. Plus, I always try to have a veggie frozen pizza in case I don't feel like cooking :)
  • I just recently went vegetarian for lent (I always forget to skip meat on Fridays) and I haven't gone back! It's definitely and adjustment, but the major reason I kept with it is that it forces me to eat my fruit and veggies. I love beans too. I realized that I can't easily go grab something for fast food and avoid fried…
  • This is so true!
  • I suck at getting up to run in the morning. My 22 month old has had a constant cough/cold (he's in daycare) the past month so mommy's not sleeping well. Luckily, I can work out at the gym during my lunch and I can eat my lunch at my desk. Saturdays are the worst, though.