Vegetarian for a week?



  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    yeah, fake meat is great! And milk has loads of protein too, as have beans, eggs (egg white pancakes are really tasty!) and nuts.

    Not sure where you are in the world, but Tesco and Sainsburys do loads of own-brand 'meat' too that is cheaper than soya/quorn equivalents and has loads of protein in.

    Let us know how you get on if you decide to try it!
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    I tend to keep away from processed foods because they make me super sluggish. I think I can do it! Any recipes to try?
    pretty much everybody on this thread is more than willing to share their recipes!
  • dmarsh220
    dmarsh220 Posts: 22
    I have been vegan for 2 months now and I have never felt better. I had tried vegetarian in the past with little success. Getting the dairy and eggs out of my diet has made a huge difference. And don't sweat the protein...Im a big guy and I have no problem meeting my daily protein requirement. Its all about choosing nutrient dense plant foods. If you would like, friend me and check out my food diary...Good Luck!! You won't be disappointed!!
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Seriously, thanks everyone!! This support is awesome!!!!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Vegetarian for a couple of decades. Feel free to browse my diary for ideas.
  • esnail
    esnail Posts: 1
    I've been a vegetarian for about 4-5 years now, and it's always worked out great for me. Before I was a vegetarian, I weighed about 140 pounds. I steadily lost about 20 since I went vegetarian. Actually, I went vegan for a couple of weeks and lost another 10 pounds, but I've switched back to vegetarian since then. I missed cheese and cake. xD

    As for tips, just try to be a relatively healthy vegetarian. Most junk food is vegetarian, so remember not to lean on bad stuff like chips and candy when you're craving meat. Being a vegetarian is actually really easy. I don't feel deprived at all, and it's a great way to get yourself to try new foods.
  • Fani2003
    Fani2003 Posts: 195 Member
    I am reading "The Kind Diet" and I love it!

    I am toying with the veg diet and am trying to determine how to do it and make it a success. I would be in.
  • mememabob
    mememabob Posts: 7 Member
    Vegetarian is such a breeze you get so much protein from your veggies anyway and eat quinoa, its a complete protein. I went vegan for a month and it was actually pretty easy. And delicious. I learned how to make awesome Tofu Scrambles and Earth Balance is a great low cal butter replacement.
    Good luck and there are tons of books and resources available for good eats! :D
  • murpcm08
    murpcm08 Posts: 8
    I just recently went vegetarian for lent (I always forget to skip meat on Fridays) and I haven't gone back! It's definitely and adjustment, but the major reason I kept with it is that it forces me to eat my fruit and veggies. I love beans too. I realized that I can't easily go grab something for fast food and avoid fried foods now because I love(d) cheeseburgers. But now that I haven't had one for at least 3 months, I don't miss it. I definitely feel less sluggish and more energized, so by all means, you'll never know until you try!
  • kristenlees122
    I have been toying with this idea also..
    I am up for the challenge of going meatless for a week starting sunday... add me if you want! would love to support and motivate each other :)

    i live with 2 vegetarians so i dont eat a whole lot of meat at home, but i have celiac disease so when i eat out its hard for me to find something meatless and gluten free - i cant just get a pizza or pasta dish, i normally have to get nachos or a steak or something. but i am interested in trying!

    i currently eat lots of beans and lentils and quinoa, my favourite recipe that i make is : black beans, black lentils, quinoa, mixed veggies and a pasta sauce (ragu or something), its simple, easy and makes a few meals i can take to work with me.

    i'm kind of excited right now!! lets do this :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I am vegetarian, dairy-free, and grain-free, some other allergies. Feel free to browse my diary for gluten free vegetarian ideas.
    i live with 2 vegetarians so i dont eat a whole lot of meat at home, but i have celiac disease so when i eat out its hard for me to find something meatless and gluten free - i cant just get a pizza or pasta dish, i normally have to get nachos or a steak or something. but i am interested in trying!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I used to be veggie, and was vegan for a time as a teen.
    I would have to go vegan to be honest, because there is as much cruelty in the dairy industry as in the meat industry, if one is doing it for ethics. Read up on it. And I am not sure, given me lack of cooking skills, that I would be able to put together a healthy vegan diet. So I eat fish and dairy still.
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    I will do a meatless week with you! Saturday night I will sit down and try to make a meal plan for the week. That thread that someone posted is pretty awesome! I looked at it a few days ago. My mouth was watering.
  • dmarsh220
    dmarsh220 Posts: 22
    I'm lucky with the almond milk because my father works for Silk and I get all the free soy and almond milk I want!
    Thats awesome...jealous...