Vegetarian for a week?

AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
So I was thinking about it..... and maybe I should go vegetarian all of next week starting Sunday. I mostly eat fish and chicken now, so how hard would it be to completely eliminate meat from my diet? I mean.... not vegan..... that seems a little too intensive for right now..... maybe in the future. But being a vegetarian has always intrigued me.... why not try it?

Anyone wanna do it with me? Or have tips, advice, anything? It might be a fun experiment. Then again..... I think sitting in the dark with my headphones while listening to indie rock qualifies as a party, so I might not be the best judge of "fun".....



  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 219 Member
    I say go for it! If it's not for you, then no big deal.
  • davidaforce
    I went off meat for one week as part of my fitness challenge start. I felt great after the 5 day and on the 7th celebrated with a juicy ribeye. I didnt even realize that i didnt eat seconds that night and havent since. I will go days without meat and have no cravings. Energy levels are up as well. Awesome experiment. You should go to store and stock up on healthy snacks before you start. I stayed away from all processed foods as well.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    I tend to keep away from processed foods because they make me super sluggish. I think I can do it! Any recipes to try?
  • Crissy92385
    I have been thinking about doing that as well.... but then as I analyze my food choices I don't know where I would get the protein. Too much dairy isn't a good idea. So I am back and forth. What do you think you will do for protein?
  • solskinnzombie
    solskinnzombie Posts: 122 Member
    I did the same thing for my new years resolution. and I didnt go back to eating meat. I felt so good after every meal.
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    I went meatless for the entire month of March. It was a great challenge and I didn't really miss the meat at all. I didn't stick with it but I do go meatless at least 2x a week now. I think it is a great idea.
  • solskinnzombie
    solskinnzombie Posts: 122 Member
    I have been thinking about doing that as well.... but then as I analyze my food choices I don't know where I would get the protein. Too much dairy isn't a good idea. So I am back and forth. What do you think you will do for protein?

    beans, grains such as quinoa, dairy, egg whites, tofu, nuts, since I made the switch I still tend to go over in my protein on some days, but reaching my goals for iron which is very important for women is sometimes hard for me. lots of dark leafy greens and certain cereals are high in iron content, mmmmm as well as dark chocolate :D
  • peaceinside
    peaceinside Posts: 272
    I did it nearly 2 years ago and don't miss it a bit don't know that I will ever eat meat again. There are pleanty of ways to get protein just educate yourself. Have fun!
    Peace! :flowerforyou:
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    i decided to start eating a raw food diet (which i did in feb) this included nothing cooked, no meats, no cheeses, no dairy. just clean foods from the ground. i found giving up meat to be the easiest part of the diet, but i REALLLY love cheese :) anyways i'm not longer eating raw but i am definitely so much more conscious about what i put in my body, that i decided to give up meat all together. I buy a lot of the meatless meat stuff like the chickenless chick wings SOO GOOD! but i don't consider myself a vegetarian since i'm not going to get down on myself if i eat a little bit of meat here and there but i just choose not to eat meat, especially after watching a few documentaries about how bad meat is!
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    I went vegan for a while and had to stop due to low iron levels, but I do not regret it one bit. It opened up a whole new world of food for me and I learned about things such as veggie meats and almond milk both of which are now staples at my house.

    Also found out that some recipes like mashed potatoes taste better vegan-style.

    Not saying you should try the vegan thing just yet, my point was just to say hell yes it is worth it!

    My faves are gardein veggie chicken tenders, morning star veggie "buffalo wings," and morning star black bean burgers. Keep in mind, not all veggie meats are created equal. I personally don't care much for Boca brand, but morning star and gardein are great!

    Good luck :)
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 160
    That's essentially how I became a vegetarian. I had been toying with the idea for years, and eventually just decided to try it for a week -- haven't had any meat since. That was about 3 years ago.

    When my boyfriend and I met, he was not a vegetarian (I was). That's fine, but after a few months I convinced him to just try it for a week. He said he felt a lot healthier, less sluggish, etc. but then he went back to eating meat for "convenience" (I call BS!). A few months later he took the plunge, though, and has been a vegetarian for a bit over a year now.

    It's a great thing to try, and I would recommend it to everyone! I'm not a pushy person and I don't have any problems with people eating meat (despite the fact I don't), but don't knock it till you try it ;)
  • davidaforce
    Vegetable stir fry kits from publix are awesome. There is a ginger dressing that is in the vegetable isle that is to die for. It can be used on salads of course, but its really good to spice up your vegetables. Makes things taste like there is meat in it.
    I also like to snack on soy nut mixes. The crunch of foods I think tricks your mind.
  • collarbonescollarbones
    I went vegetarian for 3 years almost, found it fine! There's always meat replacement products (such as quorn here in the UK) if you do ever miss it/need to up your protein.
    The only reason I stopped was because I went travelling in Asia and didn't want to be fussy or miss out on any interesting dishes! But I'm considering going back again too xo
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    I gave up meat for Lent a few years ago. Hated it and will never do that again. I can go a few days without having meat, but it was just awful after that.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    I'm lucky with the almond milk because my father works for Silk and I get all the free soy and almond milk I want!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    So I was thinking about it..... and maybe I should go vegetarian all of next week starting Sunday. I mostly eat fish and chicken now, so how hard would it be to completely eliminate meat from my diet? I mean.... not vegan..... that seems a little too intensive for right now..... maybe in the future. But being a vegetarian has always intrigued me.... why not try it?

    Anyone wanna do it with me? Or have tips, advice, anything? It might be a fun experiment. Then again..... I think sitting in the dark with my headphones while listening to indie rock qualifies as a party, so I might not be the best judge of "fun".....


    I tried that when I was 9 cause there was a girl at my school that I thought was cool and I wanted to imitate her.

    It lasted until I realized vegetarian meant I couldn't eat ribs.
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    meat free for 5 yrs this month! it was pretty easy, i never cared for meat and hated fish. every now and then i used to have chicken but that was every now and then. i basically eat the same thing but instead of meat i use another ingredient in my recipies!! it has been wonderful to discover other foods i wouldve never tried. i especially love squash and cauliflower now. lol
  • Lmfloyd28
    Lmfloyd28 Posts: 24 Member
    Go for it! I was a vegetarian for several years as a teenager, then started eating meat again when I met my husband. Now a vegetarian again for close to a year and I feel so much better. There's so much info out there now to help you do it the correct way and also a group here called "Happy Herbivores". If you like it, stick with it. If not, no harm-no foul :laugh:
  • jennie1095
    jennie1095 Posts: 13 Member
    I've been Vegetarian since the middle of December last year. It's defiantly worth it if you wanna detox your body from all those animal foods you have been eating. I recommend buying fake meats and soy products. They are usually lower on calories and fat but try to not over do the fake processed foods cause they are full of salt. One week is not much so I'd say go for it.
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    A great choice! Try it for a week and see what you think. I've been lacto-ovo-vegetarian for 13 years and don't regret it at all. Just watch your protein intake closely because it's easy to let that slide. Good luck and have fun.


    Advice is worth exactly what you pay for it!