

  • 242lbs in Oct 2011. Uggggh! I could never stand to watch "The Biggest Loser" because so many of the constestants weighed the same as me. It was like looking in a mirror and I didn't want to see the reflection.
  • I know exactly how you feel. I first starting having panic attacks when I was 11 years old. It is a horrible, horrible feeling. What's worse though is that for people who haven't experienced it, look at you as though you are nuts and then you DO feel nuts. (but you are not) I didn't realize what they were at that young…
  • Totally have been there. I chose what I thought was a "healthy" option from The Green Turtle when I decided on the turkey burger. Over 800 calories! I was shocked.
  • Yea, proper shoe gear is extremely important. I'd even go a step further and see if you could get custom orthotic inserts made. I've had them for about 4 months now and it's made a world of a difference not even just with running but even just walking around. They're like perscription eye glasses , but for your feet. Good…
  • Motivation is a very individual kind of thing. Sure, there are some that are universal such as looking better, feeling better and all that. But, I think the motivations that really work are the ones that you have a personal connection with. My motivation is my daughter. I really want to set a positive example of a woman…
  • Baltimore, Maryland USA.
  • I can soooo completley relate to your post. As I was reading your post I just kept nodding my head in agreement. My hubby is also generally the one who cooks WHEN he cooks that is. My daughter is an extremely picky eater, and getting her to eat anything is a chore. I often find myself relying on frozen…
  • Shoop by Salt n Pepa.....
  • That is awesome! What a good feeling! One that I can't wait to share with ya :)
  • Hi there and welcome! I just started about 2 weeks ago, and I totally understand the fast/food, coca-cola thing. Especially the soda part. It's definitley an adjustment, but I know it's gonna be well worth it in the end. Good luck with your fitness journey :)
  • Thanks for all the tips/advice! While I do get enough sleep (most) nights, I could definitley drink more water. My biggest nemesis isn't really food but soda! I have pretty much altogether stopped drinking it. I have a treat now and then but mostly I drink crystal light. It was kind of my step down from soda, but not quite…
  • I completely understand where you're coming from. The thought of going out to eat sometime throws me into a panic. Mostly because you really have only limited control over how your food is made, and sometimes even the "healthy" choices don't end up really being that healthy. I find that if I make sure that I grocery shop…