Whats the most you ever weighed?



  • just over 300lbs at 19 years old. and im only 21 now. definitely seen the light and had a major lifestyle change.
  • after the birth of my daughter weighed in at a WHOPPING 259lbs :brokenheart: !right now, 163.

    i was 19yrs old when i hit my highest, and ive vowed to NEVER go back to THAT again!
  • 175lbs when I was 18, i then got down to 140 but I'm only 5ft 3 so it showed,and 170 last year towards the end of my 2nd pregnancy.
  • ShiahC
    ShiahC Posts: 9 Member
    In September I went to the doctors and weighed 214lbs. Was not a proud moment
  • 230
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    220lbs at 23yrs old, now 159lbs and still losing
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 673 Member
    180 at like 18 years old.

    Now I'm at 148.6 [as of last Friday]. Goal weight: 130 lbs. Almost there!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
  • 285
  • I thinkk around 145/150 about 2 years ago?
  • 242lbs in Oct 2011. Uggggh! I could never stand to watch "The Biggest Loser" because so many of the constestants weighed the same as me. It was like looking in a mirror and I didn't want to see the reflection.
  • insatiable_need
    insatiable_need Posts: 127 Member
    I was 280 lbs in 2006. I might have weighed more, but that was what the scale said when it hit me how huge I'd let myself get. I'm only 5'2 - 5'3" so I was really round!
  • About 145 back in the early 80s.
  • 235
  • The most I ever weighed was aroung 197-200 lbs. I was only around 5'1''-5'2'' and I was 14 years old.
    Now I'm 148 lbs. and my goal weight is 120. But even more than my goal weight, I want to look good. If that means 150, 130 or even 135, heck, I'll be happy!
  • 93 kilos - which is apparently 204.6 pounds.
  • The most I ever weighed was aroung 197-200 lbs. I was only around 5'1''-5'2'' and I was 14 years old.
    Now I'm 148 lbs. and my goal weight is 120. But even more than my goal weight, I want to look good. If that means 150, 130 or even 135, heck, I'll be happy!

    *I meant 140 lol not 150, although if I did look good @ 150 I'd still be satisfied.
  • 220 and when I saw that on the scale I decided I needed to do something about that and get myself healthy again :)
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    257 at 31y, now down to 232 and hope to be 230 by 32y.
  • The heaviest I've ever been in 178, which is what I was on New Years. I'm now 169. :)