struggling staying focused

HI, i'm new to this site my roomate told me about and i decided to join. i am 18 and struggling with my weight and its even worse now that i am in college. unhealthy fast food surrounds me everyday and i always break and buy a burger or pizza. im determined to shed some pounds so i can drop some pants sizes cuz i know if i continue to eat the way i do i will be on a fast tract to extreme overweightness. i just started today and although i was good in the beg. of day for dinner i made bad decision by eating at Chili's. i now just realized how hard this is goin to be... does anyone have any tips for a struggling new comer like me?


  • cufirst84
    cufirst84 Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome to the club, i just joined less then a week ago, and i have to say adding friends to your page will keep you in check, the encouragement, positive feedback, food ideas & workouts sure will help you through the hard times!! Feel free to add me.
  • bgillis7
    bgillis7 Posts: 124
    hey girl i know what you mean i just graduated college and it was crazy. i just turned 20 and i gained 50 lbs being out of high school. #1 thing no matter what your friends eat try to pick the healthy thing. dont think of it as a punishment think of it as a life style change. as you wanted to change your self for the better. like if all your friends went out to eat and they got burgers, you get chicken. ya know:) but always remember no matter what your beautiful:)

    PS: iv done a site like this before and its worked i lost 6lbs in two weeks. but you cant cheat, and you have to work out:)
    good luck:) add me
  • Lydialane
    I found that when I started this, that it was easier to look up the calories for the things I'm going to eat and then decide if I really want to eat that or not. And yes, friends are a great start. :] If you have any more questions, add me ^.^
  • magiale05
    I completely understand where you're coming from. The thought of going out to eat sometime throws me into a panic. Mostly because you really have only limited control over how your food is made, and sometimes even the "healthy" choices don't end up really being that healthy. I find that if I make sure that I grocery shop and plan out my meals/snacks ahead of time that makes my life easier. I know how it is, at the end of the work/school day when you are tired and don't really feel like thinking about it, fast food, or going out to eat is easier. But if I have already have healthy choices at home and in the fridge then that's what I will eat and I stay on course. I hope that helps, and good luck with your weight loss.
  • NewMDmom
    Hi There!
    I definitely gained weight myself when I went to college! I think just logging in your daily calories on this site will dissuade you from eating those tasty, but high calorie foods. I think you'll see where those high numbers are coming from, and you, yourself will change what you order, or where you go.

    I just joined this site myself, this week, and already noticed that my high calorie snacks pack a lot more calories than I thought they did. I now have started snacking on apples between meals so I am not ravenously hungry and overdo it for the day!

    If you can cook anything homemade I think that would help.

    May we all reach our goals!!