

  • I have 10...getting #11 when I hit my first goal!
  • Hey there! Angie from Texas! Add away!
  • I got mooed at by some frat guys at a bar once. Someone asked me how I could be so smart and yet so fat. A little girl at the preschool where I worked came up to me and said "my mom says you are fat because you eat too much and don't exercise." Was kinda hard to look at that mom without feeling like a sloth for the next…
  • Bear Anderson
  • Any of you feel free to add me...a million miles to go!
  • I remember the day I stepped on the scale and it read 200...that was 15 years and two babies ago. I need to lose 150 pounds to hit the high end of my suggested weight. It took a lifetime to get this day at a time to get it off. I need all the help I can get!!! Feel free to friend me!!!
  • Sorry that posted twice!
  • Thanks Kim, serving is a wonderful part of my life. I hope you will have wonderful success with your fertility. Being a mommy is awesome! Heather, I don't think it is superficial at all. We all want to look our best. I have a motto I have been repeating..."Making the outside look like the inside!" And as a hopeless…
  • I have 3 motivations. The first is my kids. I have two daughters who are at an age where weight is beginning to be an issue. I want to be a good example for them. My second is my service. I serve in my state's Guard and my excessive weight is holding back my career. I am now an Non-commissioned officer but will not be…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Angie. I'm soon to be 36 and need to lose 200 to be at "goal weight". I am my state's Guard and cannot get my 3rd stripe (SGT) until I get my weight under control. I also want to be a good example for my kids, as well as my troops! I have PCOS and a busy life of chasing my over-achieving kids so we…
  • I have always been heavy but the stress of last year got to me and I piled on the pounds. I'm ready to make the change!!!
    in Help! Comment by Angie150 January 2012