

  • Oh and seriously what is with the chip and soda ad at the bottom and top of this web page? Omg lmao.
  • Ok no chips and no soda I'm in ya'll ...
  • Also I am so glad you decided to reach out and post! I know how it feels to not have anyone to talk to.
  • Hi, just by coming here and posting your struggles means you are in control. There is this awesome book called feeling good by dr burns I believe is who wrote it but, it is about getting control back. If you can make it through to about 50 pages you should start to get a better sense of where to begin taking back what is…
  • You ate 100% clean for seven days!!??!!! Congratulations! I have such a hard time with the stopping too get treats! It is hard to break. You are on your way though! Good job!
    in Hello Comment by dajohn0v January 2013
  • Hi, I know exactly what you. Mean about the depression and the medication regime with weight gain as a major side effect. And you are right its our time to get to where we want to be!
  • Tiff_doubleu - I love your quote at the bottom of your last post! I'm with you in this journey, I want to lose at least 130lbs.
  • Hello, I am 32... I am single, and I have a son from previous marriage who lives with his Dad as well. I am working on my Bacholar's in Information technology with just a year or so left to go. I'm new to all of the groups and having support. I am 267 lbs and have realized I can't do this alone and actually I don't have…