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  • My wife got me an EatSmart scale for Christmas. She found it on the internet as it was highly rated for accuracy. After using it for a week or so, I can attest that it is much less finnicky than my old one. It also has a nice tempered glass top and a large easy to read display.
  • I would recommend a couple of things. First, make sure you are not lifting to much weight. Start with a fairly easy work out. Then add weight after you have been working out for a month. Second, make sure you stretch your muscles before and after you work out (this applies to cardio too). This will help with the soreness…
  • If you just popped back 3 lbs last week, you may just be retaining water. If you ate a lot of salty foods over Thanksgiving, this could happen. Stick with you calorie limits for a few days and drink lots of water and see if the 3 lbs don't come back off. The exercise bike should help a lot, especially if your not moving…
  • I have been losing an inch on my waist with every 10 lbs lost. For me, this took 5 weeks. I wouldn't check your measurements more than once a month as it is difficult to see much change in less time.
  • I found the same thing. Best I can tell, nothing is done with the strength training data you enter. There are no reports to track your progress and you don't get any calorie credits, etc. What I have found is that there is a generic cardio entry titled "strength training". Here there is no detail on the exercises you have…
  • Nat King Cole's trademark song of course. I believe it is called The Christmas Song. You know ... Chestnuts roasting by an open fire, Jack Frost Nipping at your nose ....
  • Assume the lower number is right and you'll get in shape faster. If you assume the higher number and it's not right, you may not meet your weight goals.
  • Be sure to do stretching exercises before and after you run. Start slow. Start with walks that include short runs (1/2 mile or less). When it starts to feel easier add a little more distance.
  • Get a practice run in on Thursday. The exercise should flush out those eating out calories and you'll have Friday to rest before your race.
  • I did a 1/2 several years ago. Beforehand I did mostly 7-8 mile runs. However, a week or so beforehand I ran for 14. Having done that I had confidence that I would make 13.1 and didn't worry about pace, finishing, etc.
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