

  • hi there i have started eating breakfast for the first time and have a small portion of porridge, it keeps me going all morning and i feel better for it. just have a smaller portion and enjoy, good luck
  • well done on the weight loss so far that is fantastic, how did you lose all that?
  • hi to you both and welcome to this sight. it is a great sight and i love it, I have been doing weight watchers for years and have never lost 7lb in 2 weeks, feel free to add me as a friend and good luck x
  • well done, you look amazing and should be really proud of yourself as I am sure you are, you inspire others. I have been on this 2 weeks now and have lost 7lb so am really pleased keep up the good work julie
  • hi there, you really shouldn't weigh yourself everyday as it causes disappointment like this has, it could be fluid retention that has caused you to be slightly different. You have done great so far and should stick to a once a week weigh to prevent further upset, our weight fluctuates daily and that is why it changes dont…