NOT good.....ahhhh

Good morning. I generally don't eat breakfast. I am trying to change that. I cooked 1/2 c egg whites, 1 oz turkey breast, 1 oz swiss cheese on a slice of toast with one pat of butter on it. It's TOOOO much. I didn't even eat 1/2 of it and am ready to give my dogs the rest. Does that mean I should cut everything in half for my breakfast portions? Thanks.....


  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    It would probably be a good place to start. If at some point you begin to feel more hungry, you can add more for breakfast.
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Eat what you can. I believe as your metabolism kicks in and your body gets used to you having breaking again, you will be amazed at your hunger . You might even find that you can handle all of that and a piece of fruit, too. It takes time.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    I would only log what you had eaten... if you ate half of your serving- log half, if 3/4- log that.
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    Why do you feel you need to eat breakfast?

    The idea that it "kickstarts your metabolism" is nothing but a myth.
  • mjsohm
    mjsohm Posts: 40
    Smaller meals, more often has worked best for me. I did have to change my perspective on what a meal was...:noway: Ie. smaller actually means smaller. So for you that might be easy. And the software does allow for less than a full serving to be able to log accurately. Hang in there!
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Smaller meals, more often has worked best for me. I did have to change my perspective on what a meal was...:noway: Ie. smaller actually means smaller. So for you that might be easy. And the software does allow for less than a full serving to be able to log accurately. Hang in there!

    I'm going to have to try that, much smaller meals, thanks :)
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Why do you feel you need to eat breakfast?

    The idea that it "kickstarts your metabolism" is nothing but a myth.

    I hate to disagree, BUT, everyone I talk to says that....breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
    Have a great one!!!
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I would only log what you had eaten... if you ate half of your serving- log half, if 3/4- log that.

    I just did, thanks for the suggestion.....
  • juliej43
    hi there
    i have started eating breakfast for the first time and have a small portion of porridge, it keeps me going all morning and i feel better for it. just have a smaller portion and enjoy, good luck
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    Why do you feel you need to eat breakfast?

    The idea that it "kickstarts your metabolism" is nothing but a myth.

    I hate to disagree, BUT, everyone I talk to says that....breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
    Have a great one!!!

    "Everyone you talk to"? They're simply regurgitating an old myth.

    The only thing that matters is your net caloric balance and micro/macronutrient intake. The timing of your meals is irrelevant.

    "10. Myth: "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch a queen, dinner like a pauper."


    Also connected to this saying, is the belief that you should reduce carbs in the evening as they will be less likely to be stored as fat. While this might sound good on paper, there's nothing to support it and a lot that shows it to be wrong.

    The strongest argument against this are the numerous studies available on body composition and health after and during Ramadan fasting. This meal pattern of regular nightly feasts has a neutral or positive effect on body fat percentage and other health parameters. This is quite an extreme and telling example. People literally gorge on carbs and treats in the middle of the night to no ill effect. And yet, in the bizarre world of bodybuilding and fitness, people worry whether it's OK to eat 50 grams of carbs in their last meal.

    If the scientific data on Ramadan fasting aren't enough, there are plenty of other studies showing no effect on weight loss or weight gain from eating later in the day.

    In one study comparing two meal patterns, which involved one group eating more calories earlier in the day and one group eating most calories later in the day, more favorable results were found in the group eating large evening meals. While those who ate more in the AM lost more weight, the extra weight was in the form of muscle mass. The late evening eaters conserved muscle mass better, which resulted in a larger drop in body fat percentage."
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    There is no reason you should eat breakfast if you don't want to. But if you choose to, it seems like common sense that you are used to eating nothing so obviously that would feel like too much food to you...
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    RE: eating breakfast and if it's "myth." I was not a breakfast pesron--hated it my whole life and would skip it. But then of course I'd get hungry at some point and eat crap--pastry, snacks from the vending machine, etc. And after consulting with my dietitian, she stressed (for me) the need for adequate protein intake and that some studies have shown that people who have higher protein intake don't feel hungry as soon.

    RE: your breakfast and if it's too much: if you're just getting used to eating breakfast, perhaps start with half of it, as others have suggested. Or eat something that isn't as high volume but similar protein and calorie intake. My workday breakfast is always a Light and Fit yogurt (80 calories) and either a cup of Go Lean cerral (140 calories and decent protein for a cereal) or a serving of almonds (170 calories) and a fruit item of some sort. I have to wait at least an hour after taking a medication in the morning, so I eat these at my desk over the course of about a half hour.

    You'll find what works for you, but it might take some trial and error.
  • Matttdvg
    Matttdvg Posts: 133 Member
    Why do you feel you need to eat breakfast?

    The idea that it "kickstarts your metabolism" is nothing but a myth.

    I hate to disagree, BUT, everyone I talk to says that....breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
    Have a great one!!!

    The reason breakfast is important to a lot of people is that it fills you up first thing in the morning, so you're less likely to snack before lunch. Since snacks are generally less healthy than a good breakfast, it is very beneficial to a lot of people to have breakfast.

    But it does nothing for your metabolism. Changes to your metabolism take days to start, and weeks before they are significant. Skipping a meal at the start of the day does absolutely nothing for your metabolism. That is scientific fact, not myths that random people are spouting.

    So, if you're not a breakfast person, and you don't feel the urge to snack on unhealthy snacks throughout the morning, there is no need to force a breakfast down your neck. I don't eat breakfast. I don't feel hungry in the morning. I usually start feeling hungry about 11am and I'll have a piece of fruit to keep me going until lunch. Or sometimes if I'm busy I won't eat anything until lunch. Either way, it's a brilliant method for me. It obviously doesn't work for everyone. As I said, some people need a breakfast to avoid the urge to have unhealthy snacks through the morning. But if that isn't you - if you're not the type of person to snack unhealthily in the morning, then there is no real need for a breakfast. It does absolutely nothing for your metabolism.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    I cant eat 'breakfast' first thing in the morning either. I don't believe its any big deal but if you find you start having big snacks later in the morning then its probably better to try something small to start your day - a piece of toast or small bowl of porridge. As I do shift work and sometimes get up at 2am there's no way I can eat then so I just go with the flow but don't snack on foods. If its not in the house I can't eat it. It is about discipline though.
    Because I have just started here and my mind is concentrating more on food and putting into my food diary I feel more hungry! - Catch twenty-two situation!