

  • My favorite motto for losing weight is "out of sight, out of mind." I do the same exact thing whenever something like that happens to me. It could be cake from a birthday, or even just a bag of chips my boyfriend just bought. Before I know it he's saying "where did all my chips go?!" oops...haha. You did the right thing by…
  • Hi! My assignment is to create a marketing strategy for a product in order to make it appeal to the Hispanic consumer. Of course the term "Hispanic" is extremely broad which you have all been saying and I could not agree more, but unfortunately for research purposes and the nature of this class, it is what I have to work…
  • Just on a personal note, I completely relate to this! The hardest part sometimes really is just forcing yourself to do it, and I struggle with that all the time. I just need your age for research purposes. You're right, it really doesn't matter what age you are! I certainly know that :) Thank you so much for your help and…
  • Thank you SO much! Your answers were incredibly helpful. Thanks for taking the time to help me out, I really appreciate it. Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • Anyone? I would really really appreciate it!
  • Cravings are so tough! What I do is try my best to stay within my macros. I'm not sure if gummy bears have sodium and fat, but I don't think they do. Plug them into your food diary and see if you'd still be within your daily goals. If so, go for it! You're allowed to treat yourself every once in a while. If not, seeing…
  • I am definitely a self-sabotager!!! It used to be that when I started eating right, I would weigh myself after two or three days and if I didn't lose weight I just gave up. At the beginning of February something clicked and I actually stuck with a healthy lifestyle for a whole month....then I went on vacation. Ever since I…
  • I have never related to anyone more on this site. I couldn't tell you how many times I would say "wow this is really it, I can feel it. I'm going to lose the weight this time!" And then failed again, and again...and again. It really made me wonder if it would ever "click" for me too. I understand your fear of hitting a new…
  • I am just starting out and we literally have the same stats! I am 5' 2" and 215 lbs. It is so inspiring to see someone who started out right where I am now. You look gorgeous! So inspiring, thanks for posting :)
  • That is so encouraging to hear because I am following the C25K program too!!! I am about to start my second week and you have just given me so much motivation, so thank you! I can't wait to feel as great as you do!
  • That's so amazing! Congratulations! I am training for my first ever 5k right now. Just curious, how in shape were you starting out? I am so out of shape and I am hoping to run my first in two months like you just did! Really though, what an accomplishment. You should be so proud of yourself!
  • I don't really have a question about dry/oily skin, but do you have any suggestions for stretch marks on fair skin? I am so afraid that I am going to lose all this weight and then still feel uncomfortable showing my belly because of my stretch marks!
  • This is so true. The more weight I see that I have lost, the more encouraged I think I will be. So I think I will participate with those of you who are doing no scale March! I am feeling much more encouraged even noticing that my running endurance has improved, so today is a much better day. You guys are right, it's the…
  • Thank you so much for the support and advice! I think I am going to get rid of it for a little while. It is for sure a lifestyle, and that is what I want it to be. I know I have to learn to just go by feeling healthy more so than worrying about the number on the scale. Thanks everyone! :)
  • You took Rory and Amy away...I'm not sure how supportive I am willing to be...LOL
  • Hi everyone! I am Rachel and I am currently 213. I started at 225! I am at my first plateau right now which is super frustrating because I am eating healthier than ever AND exercising! Ah! So I can use all the motivation I can get :)
  • Everyone is so inspiring and motivating, thank you so much! I just finished day 2 today and it was already a teeny tiny bit easier than day 1. I know I have a long way to go but I feel so much more confident now that I am going to be able to do it! And congratulations to all of you who have had success, even if it means…
  • Wow! Congratulations! That is so amazing. I am very excited to get to where you are!
  • That is so awesome! Thank you so much for the support and motivation!
  • I do eat eggs, peanut butter, meats, whole grains, and all that good stuff. I just try to limit my portions, which hasn't been a problem as like I said I have been getting full from this. MFP calculated that I should be eating about 1400 calories a day to lose the amount of weight I'd like to lose, so I try to stay between…
  • Thank you so much for the great advice, motivation, and support! You guys are awesome! I completed day one yesterday and it was tough, but I am more excited than ever to reach this goal. And you have all convinced me to sign up for the 5K! Thank you thank you!
  • The same thing literally JUST happened to me! In fact, that's why I came onto the message boards tonight. I am about 2.5 weeks in and have been pretty much flawless with my eating, and as a result have lost 7 lbs. (yay!) I love the feeling I get after conquering my cravings at the end of the day, so I too feel super guilty…