Does anyone else self-sabotage?!

Is this just me- or does anyone else do this?
I have a lot of weight to lose. I just lost my first three pounds. I weighed in, and was so excited that I lost my first three pounds, and then- that night- disaster struck! I didn't eat my whole three pounds back, but I came fairly close.

I don't know why I do this, but I really trend to self-destruction. This is normal for me, that every time I'm about to lose weight, I ruin it for myself. I don't know if it's on purpose or not, but does anyone else do that? How do you stop?

One could just say to not ever weigh in, but I do think it's important to know progress... It's just this weird mental thing I am having a hard time beating.

Can I get an Amen? Or... you know, preferably some advice?


  • KaraStack2013
    KaraStack2013 Posts: 27 Member
    My Name is Kara and I am a self -sabotager---ugh---I am a yo yo dieter- and needing to stop- I dont know why we do this to ourselves- its almost as if we want to prove the negative things we keep telling ourselves- I have now decided that at 42 I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE--I have committed to being healthy- making healthy decisions-to make me a priority- it may take me longer to get to my goal of weight loss but feel like can commit better to this change. I think we just need to find our WHY and figure how to get to there-and chose the new US-- and not the old US--good luck on your journey!!
  • Mom2JonandAlex
    Mom2JonandAlex Posts: 15 Member
    I do the exact same thing!! I lost 6lbs which I was super excited about and then did the exact same thing and gained back 3 the following week! I do not know why I do it either! It is suuuuuper frustrating :sad: I do not think I will do weekly weigh in's....maybe every couple weeks or even monthly. I just sabotage myself everytime. I also have a lot to loose as well.

    I'm not sure what to do either...anxious to see what others say as wel! Nice to know it is not just me...thought I was crazy,

    Good luck and happy counting! :happy:
  • AmyCecchin
    I am my own worst enemy. I also will happily lose a few pounds here or there, and then completely throw it away (typically over a weekend.) Sometimes I'll be walking to the cupboard- my head will be screaming "NO! NO! NO!" but I always shut that up and reach for things I don't need.

    My willpower seems to be non-existent. I am constantly saying to myself, "I will start fresh again tomorrow."

    Definitely time to get rid of that, and replace with not needing to start over because I am being healthy consistently. !!
  • res119
    res119 Posts: 27
    I am definitely a self-sabotager!!! It used to be that when I started eating right, I would weigh myself after two or three days and if I didn't lose weight I just gave up. At the beginning of February something clicked and I actually stuck with a healthy lifestyle for a whole month....then I went on vacation. Ever since I got back home I have not been able to get back into the zone. I don't really have much advice unfortunately. I don't know why we do this to ourselves! Especially because I know in my heart that I want to make this change more than anything. But clearly there is something holding me back that I need to come to terms with.

    When I was in my 'zone' as I call it, I just took it one meal at a time. Every time I say no to something that is bad for me I am instantly super proud of myself and get really encouraged. The more you say no, the easier it becomes. I even started to not crave bad foods that often after about a week. The best part...I actually lost 10 pounds in a month. Who knew sticking with it for more than two days would actually result in weight loss?! What a concept haha.

    I know this probably wasn't much help but just know you are not alone!!! We can do this though, I just know it. Good luck!!!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think we all do this - or have a history of doing it. It is one of the main reasons I was nearly 200 pounds at 5'2" tall. I figured out at some point that I needed to take control over that ugly voice in my own head - the one that tells me repeatedly that I cannot lose weight, I will always be fat, I will never be strong, why try when I will just fail AGAIN?

    Let me tell you something - it can be done! Two and a half years later I have lost 75 pounds and am a healthy weight and getting closer to what I call fit (weight lifting). I am not fat, not weak, and successful! I had to face that ugly voice every minute of every day for quite a long time but I eventually beat it down and now I don't hear it anymore. Just keep moving forward, learn to forgive your missteps, and take back control over your life. YOU CAN DO THIS!! :drinker:

    Best of luck to you - and remember that no misstep is a failure; this is all a learning process we must go through.
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    I do it too. What seems to be working for me is only weighing myself once a month, then I only self-sabotage on that one day a month I weigh in instead of once a week :)
  • americangirlok
    americangirlok Posts: 228 Member
    Um yes! And it's not a new thing for me and it's not just my weight either. I do it with my finances and my health in general. I turned 30 in the fall and I'm just trying to make it awesome- so I'm trying to keep moving forward and just make better decisions- but it's really hard some days!