

  • Agreed--I have several friends that I have told and know they use this site--some are doing more...some are not--not my business, don't care either--this is my life...I offer the site as a tool and they can use it if interested. As far as competing--I think you think highly of yourself to think you have that kind of power…
  • You should not be cutting calories--your body is in healing mode...and if you are breastfeeding you are straving your body and could be harming the baby as well because your breast milk will be depleted....
  • Hey guys water us important, but I see some really concerning things on here--my dr reminded me (after I mentioned the half my weight in oz thing) that I would kill my kidney function quickly...his exact wo9rds were this---your body tells you when it is thirsty, listen!! Stop trying to force that much water thru your…
  • I weigh the same time everyday and then once a week at my dr ofc--just swing in, weigh and leave--the nurse is very helpful and she tracks in in my chart--this helps to verify my scale accuracy...
  • My ticker shows 12lbs because I started my fitness pal after my weight loss started....
  • I walk a mile a day--with my cerebral palsy--it takes me 30 min--I lost 20lbs doing this, and that includes giving myself food freedom on Saturday--I eat whatever I want--drink nothing but water...and it is slow but it comes off..
  • Thanx--:smile:
  • Hey--I just joined today as well--however, I started on May 5 with my weight loss plan---first week 193 to 188, this week not a pound lost-- I am hoping to stay motivated. It is very discouraging when I am working so hard to see absolutely no change): My biggest problem--I am never hungry, I have to force myself to eat…