

  • Yup been told the same thing. I really do not like that answer at all.LOL I know why doesn't Weight Watchers work for us now?? I mean it took 3yrs to gain 15lbs all of a sudden it's like what!!! I use to be 105 now 120 the scale does not move.....So i do agree we need to move r bodies. Thanks for the post.
  • Yup! she is naturaly stick skinny that is what kills me about her book. I mean after I loose my 15lbs I could deff do what she says to do in the book. I do enjoy her as well to watch.
  • I have already done that!!! LOL I am going out this evening with the girls.:tongue:
  • is it a dvd?
  • They are all great ideas. I as well watch my 2 grandaughters all day. Iwatch them at my daughters house, so needless to say it is there home. It is cold here and i get done sitting to late to go to a gym. I deff know cardio is the way to go. it is heard when one is up or both up. I love to dance so how long should i do…
  • Yes I to like her Margarita (Skinnygirl) it is really good.
  • Well I must say I am very glad to see I am NOT alone on this. :drinker:
  • Enjoy! Have a Great time.
  • I did that before as well only drink one or two beverages on the weekend but it did not matter. I even stopped having any for like a month it did not matter. I have done W.W. before and I lost adding my wine as points. So I say Wine please. LOl :) I say whatever makes you feel good then there is no wrong, :smile:
  • I myself have a hard time eating 1200 cal. I feel like I am gaining when I do. But they say eating will make you loose. Though it will only be 2 weeks next Tuesday. I have yet to loose a pound. NOT Happy at all.
  • Thank you for getting back to me. I am also doing the 1200 one week into it i have lost nothing! I mean how long shoudl i give this 1200 thing. I have always eaten very good. I look in the mirror and I am like who are you/ LOL I don't like it at all. And now I am getting the hot flashes. How long have you been on this 1200…
  • Hi, Oh I am so glad you posted this. Yessssssss I am 51 I have gained 15lbs in 3yrs and at first thought it was because I had a new boyfriend and we went out to eat and such...BUT no once I had noticed that I was not liking the way I looked in the mirror I started Weight Watchers and noticed that was doing nothing and if…
  • I have never counted calories before! So how do i begin? Just put in what i eat for today (i am starting today) and see where i end up at the end of the day?????
  • Oh ok thank you. Do you find this easy or hard? I take it i have to count everything right? like if i have a waffle i add how much butter and syrup?